Jadual Kandungan

Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah (1909-Kini)

Oncosperma horridum (Griff.) Scheff. Bukit Cherakah, Selangor, Malaysia.
“Oncosperma horridum (Griff.) Scheff. Bukit Cherakah, Selangor, Malaysia.” (Ahmad Fuad Bin Morad, 2011: |"Oncosperma horridum (Griff.) Scheff.").

Kemungkinan Asal-Usul Nama

Pokok "Cheraka"

Terdapat sejenis pokok renek berbunga putih atau merah. Namanya “Cheraka”, seakan-akan nama “Bukit Cheraka” (nama lain bagi “Bukit Cherakah”). Mungkinkah nama bukit itu adalah sempena pokok ini?

Menurut akhbar tahun 1890-an, pokok Cheraka biasa ditemui di Tanah Melayu ketika itu: “There are, however, certain omissions of words in more or less common use in British territory to which we venture to draw the authors' attention. Such are … 'Cheraka,' the name of a common shrub with white or red flowers; …” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 March 1897, Page 2: |"THE MALAY DICTIONARY (Clifford and Swettenham.) PART III").

Akar pokok cheraka merah atau “plumbago rosea” sering digunakan oleh pengamal perubatan tradisional melayu, antaranya untuk menggugurkan bayi dalam kandungan.

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: Cheraka Merah (Plumbago Rosea).

Zaman Prakolonial

1400-an: Peta Mao Kun: Chi-na-ta shan

Peta “Mao Kun” merupakan rekod serta panduan pelayar Cina terkenal kurun ke-15, Cheng Ho (sekitar tahun 1405-1433, ketika era kegemilangan pemerintahan dinasti Ming). Beliau belayar ke rantau Arab dan Afrika Timur, melalui Indo-China dan Selat Melaka. Turut tercatat di dalam peta tersebut adalah sebuah bukit yang terletak di sebelah utara Sungai Klang, dinamakan sebagai “Chi-na great mountain”. Salah seorang pengkajinya, J.V. Mills, menyatakan bukit tersebut mungkin Bukit Cherakah, (atau pernah dikenali sebagai False Parcellar): “Chi-na great mountain - 3°14'N. - Bukit Cherakah … Chi-na represents the Malay name 'Cherakah', Bukit Cheraka having once been known as False Parcellar.”

(Sumber: J. V. Mills, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol. 47, No. 2 (226) (1974): |"ARAB AND CHINESE NAVIGATORS IN MALAYSIAN WATERS IN ABOUT A.D. 1500", m.s.15-16).

Zheng He's Navigation Chart (CA 1421-1430 CE) aka The Mao Kun's Map / Wubei Zhi Chart

Sebahagian kecil daripada peta Mao Kun, menyoroti kawasan sekitar muara Sungai Klang (#53) dan tanda panduan utamanya Bukit Jugra / Parcellar (#60). Bukit di sebelah utara Sungai Klang (dalam peta, di sebelah kirinya) yang dikatakan Bukit Cherakah oleh J.V. Mills, ditandakan merah (#58: “Chi-na-ta shan”). Antara tanda panduan lain yang berdekatan ialah (dari kiri): #121: Pulau Sembilan, #393: Kawasan beting pasir, dan #84: Tanjong Tuan / Cape Rachardo (m.s.187, 189, 191, 207, 208. Sumber peta: Dr Andrea Nanetti @ Engineering Historical Memory).

(Sumber: Ma Huan (1433), terjemahan dan suntingan Feng Ch'eng-Chun (1935), dan John Vivian Gottlieb (J. V. G.) Mills, 1970: "Ying-Yai Sheng-Lan: 'The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores' (1433)", m.s. xi, 24, 187, 189, 191, 207, 208, 251-252).

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: Bukit Panjang / Bukit Cherakah dalam Peta Mao Kun.

Peta pesisir pantai, dari Klang hingga Melaka. Turut ditandakan, Chi-na Great Mountain, yang dikatakan Bukit Cherakah
J.V.G. Mills kemudiannya melakar semula beberapa lokasi utama yang disebutkan dalam peta Mao Kun, dalam lakaran peta moden Tanah Melayu. Peta di atas adalah sebahagian daripadanya, yang menyoroti sekitar pantai Selangor. Garis putus-putus adalah laluan kapal, dari Kuala Selangor hingga ke Melaka. Turut ditandakan, tanda-tanda panduan pelayaran: Pulau Basalar / Mien Hua (Bukit Jugra), dan di sebelah utaranya, China Great Mountain (kemungkinan Bukit Cherakah). (J. V. Mills, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol. 47, No. 2 (226) (1974): |"ARAB AND CHINESE NAVIGATORS IN MALAYSIAN WATERS IN ABOUT A.D. 1500", m.s.15-16).

LATAR SUMBER: John Vivian Gottlieb (J.V.G.) Mills (1887-1987).

CATATAN: J.V.G. Mills menyatakan nama lain bagi Bukit Cherakah ialah “False Parcellar”, mungkin berdasarkan catatan serta peta terbitan sezaman dengan beliau (sekitar 1900-an). Namun terdapat beberapa catatan sekitar tahun 1800-an yang meletakkan “False Parcelar” di lokasi lain, antaranya Bukit Jeram, berhampiran pantai. Walau bagaimanapun, masih ada kemungkinan bahawa bukit “Chi-na-ta shan” yang ditandakan dalam peta Mao Kun itu adalah Bukit Cherakah.


Zaman Belanda

1745: Peta d'Apres de Mannevillette: Montagne de la Fleur-de-lis

Di dalam peta Jean-Baptiste d'Apres de Mannevillette (1745), ada kemungkinan bukit/gunung “Fleur-de-lis” dalam lakaran pemandangan depan pantai di dalamnya ialah Bukit Cherakah:-

Peta asal d’Apres de Mannevillette (1745): "Fleur-de-lis" mungkin Bukit Cherakah?
Peta asal d’Apres de Mannevillette (1745): "Fleur-de-lis" mungkin Bukit Cherakah?
Peta asal d’Apres de Mannevillette (1745): ada kemungkinan bukit/gunung “Fleur-de-lis” dalam lakaran pemandangan depan pantai (Dibesarkan di sebelah bawah peta) ialah Bukit Cherakah: “Jean-Baptiste d'Apres de Mannevillette, Plan de Salangor et de la Cote de Malaye, Paris, 1745; 48.6 x 34.3 cm; This map is an early example of Jean-Baptiste d'Apres de Mannevillette's mapping of the Malayan coast and incorporates bathymetric depths and panoramic views of the coast. While little was known of the interior at the time, French geographers of the time were aware of existence of several mountains including Mount Selangor (probably Bukit Melawati) and Mount Parcelar (Bukit Jugra). They had also begun to give names to unknown relief features such as Mount “Fleur de Lys”, after the symbol of French royalty, which may to what was often marked on contemporary maps as False Parcelar, possibly Bukit Cerakah.” (Frederic Durant, Richard Curtis, 2013: Maps of Malaya and Borneo : Discovery, Statehood and Progress: the Collections of H.R.H. Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah and Dato' Richard Curtis, m.s.134).

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: 1745: Peta d’Apres de Mannevillette.

Zaman Awal British

1840: Peta James Horsburgh: False Parcelar P.D.

Di dalam peta James Horsburgh yang dikemaskini dari peta asalnya (1808) dan diterbitkan pada tahun 1840, lokasi False Parcelar (6) ditandakan ke dalam sedikit dari pantai Jeram, iaitu sekitar Bukit Panjang atau Bukit Cherakah. Namun beliau menganggap lokasinya itu sebagai tidak tepat (“P.D.” - Position Doubtful):-

Peta lokasi False Parcelar (1808)
Peta kemungkinan berdasarkan versi asal tahun 1808, diadaptasi dan dikemaskini oleh Captain James Horsburgh, berdasarkan carta Capt Daniel Ross, diterbitkan tahun 1840: “The hydrographic chart, mostly by Capt Daniel Ross and adapted by Capt James Horsburgh, is Admiralty Chart No 1355, published on 10 November 1840, showing soundings in fathoms in the Straits of Malacca, from Salangore River (Sungei Selangor) to Singapore Island and Riau Islands, coastlines of Sumatra, south-western Malaya, western Singapore and islands in the vicinity, hachures, vegetation in pictorial form along the coast of Sumatra, rivers, mostly named, Malacca (Town), Mount Ledang or Ophir, Salangore (Selangor), British Malacca, Johore, and others.” (Capt Daniel Ross, Capt James Horsburgh [Admiralty Chart No 1355], 10 November 1840 (Possibly based on 1808 publication) @ Maritime Museum (Singapore): |"The Strait of Malacca, Eastern Part").

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: P.D. (Position Doubtful): “Features whose positions originate in the local notice to mariners, reported by unknown source, are usually charted with qualifying notations like position approximate (PA) or position doubtful (PD). The charted positions of these features, if they do exist, may be in error by miles.” (Scuttlebutt Sailing News, June 23rd, 2016: |"How Accurate are Nautical Charts?").

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: Catatan-Catatan James Horsburgh 1805-1840.

1860: Peta C.Y. Ward: False Parcelar

Peta Admiralty tahun 1860, berdasarkan tinjauan Lieutenant C. Y. Ward 1852-1855, masih mirip dengan peta tahun 1840 di atas. Antara perbezaan yang ketara di dalam peta ini ialah Bukit Jeram (5) dan False Parcelar (6) ditandakan dengan jelas, dan tanpa tanda “P.D. (Position Doubtful)”:-

Peta False Parcelar 1860
Peta tahun 1860, hasil kerja ukur Lieutenant C. Y. Ward 1852-1855: “The hydrographic chart, prepared from surveys of Lieutenant C Y Ward, 1852 to 1855, with additions, and published on 1 August 1860, is Admiralty Chart No 1355, showing soundings in fathoms in the Straits of Malacca, from Pulo Pandan (The Brothers) and Salangore (Sungei Selangor) to Singapore Island and Riau Islands, along the coastline Malaya and part of the coastline of Sumatra, in Reccan (Rokan) River and River Siak, and in (South) China Sea off Pahang and Johor in the vicinity of Pulau Varella and Siribuat Island, islands, estuaries, Gunong Ledang or Mount Ophir, Bukit Timah (Hill) and some other mountains and hills with heights in feet, Malacca, and others.” (London Published at the Admiralty, under the superintendence of Capt Washington, Hydrographer, 1860 @ Maritime Museum (Singapore): |"Strait of Malacca (Sheet 2) from the North Sands to Singapore, by Captain Washington").

1879: Peta Admiralty British: False Parcelar

Peta False Parcelar 1879
Peta Admiralty British, 1879. Kelihatan Bukit Jeram dan False Parcelar (sekitar Bukit Panjang / Bukit Cherakah) ada ditandakan: “This is the bottom portion of the map (See the map of Reference Code SP002097_1 for the top portion), compiled from Admiralty Charts by officers of Her Majesty's Royal Engineer and Artillery Services and Royal Navy, and civil officers in the native states (for) Sir William Cleaver Francis Robinson, Governor of The Straits Settlements.” (The Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, London, 1879 @ National Archives of Singapore: |"Map of the Malaya Peninisula").

Zaman Kolonial British

1875-1882: Peta D.D. Daly: False Parselar

Pada tahun 1875, Sir Andrew Clarke, Gabenor Negeri-Negeri Selat, telah melantik Mr. Dominick Daniel (D.D.) Daly sebagai “Surveyor for the Native States”. Tugasan utama beliau ialah menjalankan tinjauan topografi di seluruh negeri Selangor. Pada Isnin, 8 Mei 1882, Mr. Daly, ketika itu pegawai superintenden Public Works and Survey, Selangor, telah menyampaikan laporan hasil tinjauan beliau di dalam mesyuarat Royal Geographical Society, yang turut dihadiri Sir Andrew Clarke. Di dalam peta-peta berdasarkan tinjauan tersebut, False Parcelar / Parselar ditandakan berasingan daripada Bukit Jeram, iaitu ke dalam sedikit:-

Peta Bukit Jeram dan False Parselar (1876)Peta Bukit Jeram dan False Parselar (1882)
Kiri: Peta Selangor tahun 1876, berdasarkan kerja ukur Captain Innes R. E., J. W. Birch dan D. Daly, serta Admiralty Charts. Peta ini turut menandakan False Parselar secara berasingan daripada Bukit Jeram, iaitu ke dalam sedikit: “compiled from sketch surveys made by Captain Innes R E, J W Birch and D Daly, and Admiralty Charts. Lithographed under the direction of Lt. Col. R. Home C.B.R.E” (Royal Geographical Society, London; Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), 1876: |"Map of Part of The Malay Peninsula").
Kanan: Peta Selangor tahun 1882, berdasarkan kerja ukur D.D. Daly: “Published for the preceedings of the Royal Geographical Society” (Royal Geographical Society, London, 1882: |"Map of The Malay Peninsula to accompany the paper of Mr D.D. Daly"). “The state of Selangor as depicted on D.D. Daly's 1882 Map of the Malay Peninsula (90). Tin is identified as a resource at five upriver locations in the state. “Damar Sara” (Damansara) is marked in the vicinity of what is today Section 23, Shah Alam. The “Good Road” marked between Damar Sara and Kuala Lumpur was in fact far from adequate for vehicular traffic, which was why it was decided in 1883 to build a railway from Kuala Lumpur to Klang which was completed in 1886.” (Frederic Durant, Richard Curtis, 2013: Maps of Malaya and Borneo : Discovery, Statehood and Progress: the Collections of H.R.H. Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah and Dato' Richard Curtis).

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: 1882-05-08: Peta Tinjauan Daly

1881: Pendudukan Raja Jaafar di Mukim Jeram

Terdapat surat Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus dari Bernam, bertarikh 27 Julai 1881, memohon pendudukan saudara beliau, Raja Saleman (Sulaiman) dan Raja Jafar (Jaafar) di sekitar Sungai Buloh di mukim Jeram: “From Raja Etam bin Raja Yunus Bernam. To H. ? Resident Selangor. After compliments:- We beg to inform our friend that two of our relations named Raja Saleman & Raja Jafar and their men have gone to Klang to see & ask our friends to approve of their living at Sungei Bolo Jeram district, if our friend will allow they will remove at once. We have another afair to inform our friends that we have been to the Resident of Perak and asked him to increase our pensions to $200 as what we receive now is not enough to cover our expenses, we have many children our friend knows well. Now we beg our friend to add $100 to our pension we also wish to remove ourselves to Selangor or Klang, as it is, many of our men have gone to live there. July 27 1881.” (Arkib Negara 1957/0001472W, 27/07/1881: |"INFORMING THAT RAJA SALEMAN, RAJA JAFAR AND THEIR MEN HAVE COME TO KLANG TO ASK TO LIVE AT SUNGEI BATO AT JERAM, ALSO ASK THE RESIDENT TO INCREASE HIS OWN (RAJA ETAMS') PENSION").

Ini mungkin Raja Jaafar yang sama yang disebutkan sebagai penghulu mukim Pasangan, Kuala Selangor (di sebelah utara kawasan hutan ini), di dalam catatan persinggahan Residen Selangor di mukim tersebut pada tahun 1894. Ketika itu beliau telah pun tua dan kurang bergiat dalam pertanian di situ (Rujuk: "Lawatan Residen Selangor: Dari Rantau Panjang ke Jeram (1894)").

Latar Tokoh: Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus.

1888-1900: Penerokaan Awal: Bukit Panjang

Antara penerokaan awal banjaran Bukit Cherakah pada zaman kolonial British dijalankan di sebelah baratnya, yang bersempadan dengan mukim Jeram, Kuala Selangor. Antaranya adalah ladang gambir di Bukit Panjang yang diusahakan oleh orang Melayu, sekitar tahun 1888. Pada tahun 1893, terdapat laporan pencerobohan kawanan gajah di kampung-kampung di sekitarnya, mungkin disebabkan oleh penerokaan tersebut. Sekitar waktu itu, seorang pegawai kolonial British, Nicholas Belfield (N.B.) Dennys menulis kamus “A Descriptive Dictionary of British Malaya” dan memasukkan banjaran bukit ini ke dalam karyanya itu.

Pada tahun 1896, beberapa perancangan dibuat oleh pentadbir British untuk membina jalan menghubungkan kawasan Bukit Panjang dengan kawasan Jeram di sebelah barat, serta Bukit Raja di sebelah selatannya. Pada waktu itu, Bukit Panjang diduduki oleh majoriti masyarakat Banjar, yang mengusahakan tanaman padi bukit dan kopi. Setelah melihat kejayaan penanaman monokultur kopi di situ oleh pengusaha Cina, pihak British mencadangkan agar tanaman padi dipindahkan ke kawasan lembahnya. Menjelang Jun 1897, 1,000 ekar hutan paya di sekitar Bukit Panjang telah ditebang untuk penanaman padi sawah. Bagi menyokong kegiatan majoriti Banjar di situ, sebuah sekolah khas untuk kaum Banjar didirikan di situ pada tahun 1900.

Peta sekitar Jeram - Bukit Cherakah, 1965
Peta sekitar Jeram - Bukit Cherakah (1965), untuk tujuan ilustrasi penerokaan pedalaman Jeram (Paya Jeram) dan Bukit Panjang (Surveyor General, Federation of Malaya, 1965 @ Australian National University: |"Malaysia, Selangor, Jeram, Standard Mapping Series, Sheet 93b, 1965, 1:25 000").


1894: Lawatan Residen: Dari Rantau Panjang ke Jeram

Lakaran kasar perjalanan Rantau Panjang-Jeram (1894), berdasarkan peta tahun 1904
Lakaran kasar perjalanan rombongan Residen Selangor dari Rantau Panjang ke Jeram, berdasarkan peta tahun 1904. Garis biru: perjalanan melalui sungai. Garis kuning: perjalanan melalui jalan darat. Angka merah (mengikut turutan kronologi): Hentian perjalanan (Sumber lakaran: Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 April 1894, Page 3: |"NOTES OF THE RESIDENT'S VISITS TO DISTRICTS IN SELANGOR, 1894"; Sumber peta: Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: |"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman").

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: Lawatan Residen Selangor: Dari Rantau Panjang ke Jeram (1894).

1904: Peta W.T. Wood: Protective Forest Belt

Di dalam peta W.T. Wood tahun 1904, Bukit Cherakah ditandakan sebagai “False Parcellar”, manakala cadangan hutan simpan di sekitarnya ditandakan sebagai “Protective Forest Belt”. Turut kelihatan, jalan yang telah dibina bagi menghubungkan Paya Jeram dengan perladangan di sekitar Bukit Panjang:-

Peta cadangan hutan simpan Bukit Cherakah, 1904
Peta cadangan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah, ditandakan sebagai “Protective Forest Belt” (1904), ketika itu meliputi sehingga ke tebing timur Sungai Buloh di sebelah barat laut (Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: |"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman").

1905: Pembukaan Bukit Cherakah Estate

Pada tahun 1905, beberapa orang peladang Eropah memperolehi tanah di sekitar Bukit Cherakah, dengan sokongan pentadbiran British. Antaranya ialah Bukit Cherakah Estate:-

“Fourteen miles from Kuala Selangor and 23 miles from Klang is situated the Bukit Cherakah estate, comprising 2,236 acres, the proprietors of which are the Scottish Malay Rubber Company, Ltd. Felling and clearing was commenced on the property towards the end of 1905, and within the next two years 1,267 acres were planted with Para rubber. The land is mostly undulating, and there are two kinds of soil - sandy loam and red loam. The trees have shown a better growth than the average, and the land is well drained. The labour staff consists of 350 Tamil coolies and 100 Banjorese. Felling, clearing, and draining are done by Banjorese, Javanese, and Malays. Mr. J. Hunter is the manager of the estate, and the directors of the company are Messrs. J. A. Hunter (Managing), of Meikle Kenny, Kerriemint, N.B.; Thomas Wedderspoon, Castleton, Meigle, Perthshire, N.B.; and R.C. Bowie, Carnoustie, Forfarshire, N.B. Before coming to the Federated Malay States Mr. Hunter had six years' experience of planting in Southern India and Ceylon, and prior to joining the Bukit Cherakah estate he was in charge of the Sungei Kapar and Jalan Acob estates. Mr. Hunter is also the manager for the Strathmore Rubber Company, Ltd., and of the Kongsi Rubber Company, Ltd.

Mr. R.M.G. Mitchell. - Born at Loth, in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, on September 15, 1879, Mr. R.M.G. Mitchell, the superintendent of Bukit Cherakah estate in Selangor, was educated in Edinburgh, and served for three years with a commercial house before coming out East in 1900 to learn planting. His first appointment was on the Wardieburn Estate, where he had three years' experience in coffee and rubber planting. Then he took charge of and opened up Harpenden estate. In November, 1906, Mr. Mitchell joined Bukit Cherakah estate as superintendent, and is now in charge of one of the divisions. He is a son of the late Mr. William Mitchell, sheep farmer, of Ribigill, Scotland.”

“Bukit Cherakah Estate, Klang. The bungalow and various stages of growth of young rubber.”

(Sumber: Arnold Wright, 1908: "Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources", m.s.430-431).

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: Bukit Cherakah Estate (1905).

1906: Pembukaan Ayer Kuning Estate

“Ayer Kuning Estate

The proprietors of this estate are the Highlands and Lowlands Rubber Estate Company, of which Mr. R.W. Harrison is the general manager and visiting agent, Mr. John Whitham the manager, and Messrs. C.R.F. Crowther and C.R. Harrison assistants. The company own a total of 10,086 acres (exclusive of native holdings which are being purchased). In June of 1906, 100 acres were planted with Para rubber; 522 acres in the latter half of the same year; 228 acres in the first half of 1907, and, approximately, 850 acres in the latter half of the same year. The reserve balance of the property is jungle. It is the intention of the company to open up and develop this as rapidly as possible, and at least a thousand acres will be planted every year. In various parts large rubber plant nurseries have been started.

Ayer Kuning commences two and a half miles from Klang, and extends beyond the Damansara river, above Batu Tiga. There are about 15 miles of cart-road frontage to the estate at present. Padang Jawa railway station is just one mile distant, and Sungei Rangam and Batu Tiga railway stations are both within a mile of the property, which is drained by the Sungei Rengam, the Sungei Rasa, and the Damansara rivers, all of which flow into the Klang river. The land is hilly, with swamps in between, but extensive drains and canals connecting with the various streams are in course of construction. Contour drains are being cut in hills about a chain apart to prevent denudation of the soil. This work is receiving special attention. THe soil of this estate is as good as any in the district. It is reddish, loamy, and very rich.

The estate employs at present about 600 Tamil coolies, some 400 Banjorese, Javanese, and Malays, besides labourers recruited from the surrounding villages, and a larger force of Tamil coolies which is being rapidly recruited in India. There are 26 sets of permanent coolie lines build in different parts of the estate, also a manager's bungalow, two assistants' bungalows, two bungalows for conductors, and one used as a dispensary. FUrther buildings are in course of erection. A few of the coolie lines have been made mosquito proof, the Government having given a grant for experimental purposes. In short, everything is being done to promote a good state of health amongst the employees. At first the estate was naturally somewhat unhealthy, but now it compares very favourably with most properties in the district.

Mr. John Whitham, the manager of Ayer Kuning estate, was born in county Cork, Ireland, in December, 1877, and was educated at Totteridge Park School, Herfordshire, and at the Bedford Modern School. He went to Ceylon in 1896, and was initiated into the work of planting on the Hindugalla estate, Peradeniya. In Ceylon, where he remained for some ten and a half years, he gained experience in tea, coffee, and rubber planting, and when in July, 1906, he came to the Federated Malay States, he took charge of the Ayer Kuning estate under Mr. R.W. Harrison. He is a son of Mr. W. Charles Whitham, proprietary planter in Ceylon, and is a member of all local clubs in the Federated Malay States.”

“Ayer Kuning Estate, Padang, Selangor. New clearings and young rubber trees.”

(Sumber: Arnold Wright, 1908: "Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources", m.s.445-449).

MAKLUMAT LANJUT: Ayer Kuning / Midlands Estate (1906).

1909: Sekawan Gajah dan Badak Sumbu

Terdapat laporan wujudnya sekawan gajah dan badak sumbu di sekitar Jalan Bukit Rotan, di sebelah barat laut kawasan paya dan hutan Bukit Cherakah, mungkin kesan penerokaan ladang-ladang besar sejak beberapa tahun sebelumnya: “The presence of a herd of elephants and a rhino on the Bukit Rotan Road, Kuala Selangor, offers a good opportunity to local sportsmen, says the Malay Mail. President Roosevelt should be informed of this chance, before he takes the costly and troublesome trip to Africa.” (Straits Echo, 11 February 1909, Page 4: |"Lord Dalmeny").

1909-05-21: Pewartaan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah

“Hutan Simpan: HS Bukit Cherakah; Daerah Pentadbiran: Hulu Selangor; Tarikh Diwartakan: 21.5.1909; No. Warta: 278; Luas (ha): 1,298.86” (Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Selangor, 2021: |"Maklumat Keluasan Hutan Simpan Kekal di Negeri Selangor").

Pewartaan ini turut dilaporkan di dalam akhbar setahun selepasnya: “Eighty-one thousand five hundred and seventy-four acres (127 square miles) of Forest reserves were finally gazetted, and 38,554 acres (60 square miles) were revoked, bringing the total area of reserved forest at the close of the year to 749 square miles, equal to 2.74 per cent of the area of the Federated Malay States. The net area added during the year was 67.1 square miles. The reserves finally notified during the year were 26,550 acres in Perak, 23,826 acres (The Bukit Cheraka Protective Belt) in Selangor, 25,192 acres in Negri Sembilan, and 6,006 acres in Pahang. The Conservator considers that the necessity for reservation is imperative in Perak, where the percentage of area reserved is 4.11 as against 8.09 in Selangor: the new areas contained much good chengal, merbau and gutta-percha. The total area under alienation is said to be 2,154 square miles or nearly 8 per cent of the whole area, as compared with 2.74 per cent under reserve. Fourteen new reserves were proposed during the year, aggregating 144,306 acres: of this, 56,544 acres are in Perak, 23,800 acres in Selangor, 63,205 acres in Negri Sembilan, and 757 acres for mangrove in Pahang.” (Straits Echo, 28 July 1910, Page 2: | "Federated Malay States"; The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 29 July 1910, Page 629: |"Federated Malay States").

Kawasan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah, 1910
Di dalam peta tahun 1910, kawasan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah telah pun ditandakan, ketika itu meliputi sehingga ke tebing selatan Sungai Buloh di sebelah barat laut. (Central Survey Office, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States (F.M.S.)., 1910: |Selangor, Federated Malay States 1910 - "TM000382_1"; "TM000382_2"; "TM000382_3"; "TM000382_4").

Selain bersambung dengan Hutan Simpan Sungei Buloh di bahagian tenggara, beberapa bahagian kawasan hutan ini bersempadan dengan kawasan perladangan, seperti berikut:-

Sempadan Utara (1910)

Kawasan Dibuka Kini
Bukit Rotan Estate
Carnarvon Estate
Sungei Buloh Estate

*Setiap kawasan di atas disempadani oleh Sungai Buloh, yang merentasi keseluruhan sempadan utara hutan simpan.

Sempadan Barat (1910)

Kawasan Dibuka Kini
Braunston Estate
Bukit Cheraka(h) Estate 1905
Bukit Janda Estate
North Hummock Estate

Sempadan Timur (1910)

Kawasan Dibuka Kini
Bukit Ijok Estate
Hutan Simpan Sungei Buloh

Sempadan Selatan (1910)

Kawasan Dibuka Kini
Ayer Kuning Estate 1905

1912: Peta Stanford's Geographical Establishment: FalseParcella (Bukit Chelaka)

Di dalam peta Stanford's Geographical Establishment terbitan tahun 1912, “FalseParcella” ditandakan dalam kalangan kelompok Bukit Cherakah (dieja sebagai Chelaka), Bukit Panjang, Bukit Janda, dll, iaitu berasingan daripada Bukit Jeram di tepi pantai:-

Peta Edward Stanford tahun 1912
(Stanford's Geographical Establishment, London, 1912: |"Map of the Malay Peninsula").

Perihal Stanford's Geographical Establishment: “Edward Stanford (1827-1904) was a prominent British mapmaker and publisher. A native of Holborn in the heart of London, Edward was apprenticed to a printer and stationer at the age of 14. After his first master died, he worked with several others, including Trelawny W. Saunders of Charing Cross. Saunders oversaw young Edward’s early career, ensuring that he became a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Associations with the Society eventually brought Sanders much business and gave him a reputation as a publisher of explorers. As testament to this reputation, the Stanford Range in British Columbia was named for him by John Palliser.

Stanford briefly partnered with Saunders in 1852 before striking out on his own in 1853. He was an agent for the Ordnance Survey, the Admiralty, the Geological Survey, the Trigonometrical Survey of India, and the India Office. He also controlled the maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, another lucrative source of income. In 1857, Stanford founded his namesake Geographical Establishment, with Saunders and A. K. Johnston as engravers. Thereafter, Stanford was known for his “library maps”, particularly those of Africa and Asia.
Stanford's work with Chief Cartographer John Bolton, including the 1858 Library Map of Europe, positioned the company as a leader in quality cartography during a time of exploration and colonialism. Their 1862 Library Map of London earned acclaim from the Royal Geographical Society. With the business thriving, Stanford purchased Staunton & Son in 1877 and, upon retiring in 1885, handed over the reins to his son, Edward Stanford II.

As sole agents for Ordnance Survey Maps, the company's influence and reputation grew, culminating in the Stanford’s London Atlas Of Universal Geography, which was presented to Queen Victoria in 1887. The transition into the 20th century saw further integration of retail, print, and cartographic operations at Long Acre.

During World War I, Stanford's became an essential publisher for the War Office. Edward Fraser Stanford took over in 1917, steering the company through the interwar period and innovations, such as the world’s smallest maps in 1922 and the Daily Mail Motor Road Map in 1926.

(Sumber: Barry Lawrence Ruderman @ Antique Maps Inc.: |"ANTIQUE MAPS BY STANFORD'S GEOGRAPHICAL ESTABLISHMENT").

1912: Naik Taraf Jalan Bukit Panjang

“Executive Engineer's Office, Kuala Selangor, 5th February, 1912. Subject: Tender Notice for the Conversion of Bukit Panjang Bridle Road into natural Cart Road 70 lines” (Arkib Negara, 1957/0161777W: |"CONVERSION OF BUKIT PANJANG BRIDLE ROAD INTO NATURAL CART ROAD, 70 LINES - TENDERS FOR").

1913: Jalan-Jalan Pengangkutan

Jalan Ayer Kuning Estate - HS Bukit Cherakah


LATAR PERISTIWA: Ayer Kuning / Midlands Estate (1906).

Landasan Tram Merbau Estate - Stesen Sungai Buloh


1917: Perkuburan Bukit Panjang


1926: Peta Malaya Survey Department

Peta Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah, 1926
Peta Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah serta kawasan sekitarnya, 1926. Kawasan sekitar Bukit Panjang di sebelah barat laut Bukit Cherakah telah dinyahwartakan, bagi memperluaskan lagi kawasan pertanian di situ dan diwartakan sebagai tanah rizab Melayu Bukit Cherakah. Sempadannya di sebelah tenggara masih bersambung dengan Hutan Simpan Sungei Buloh (Malaya Survey Department, 1926 @ University of Minnesota Libraries: |"Selangor : Federated Malay States 1926").

Square 4h: Bukit Cheraka forest reserve
“SQUARE 4h. There are within this square about 600 square miles of the State of Selangor, all low-lying and much of it cultivated. In the centre are vast swamps covered with timber, in which the Bukit Cheraka forest is reserved. ….. The Sungei Buloh Forest Reserve is continuous with the Bukit Cheraka Forest Reserve towards Klang where Burkill has collected on odd days in March, June and October, 1922, in January and December, 1923, and in September, 1924.” (Burkill. I. H., The Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements, 1927, Vol. 04 (4&5): |"Botanical Collectors, Collections and Collecting Places in the Malay Peninsula", m.s.168, 170).

1930: Kediaman Pekerja di Bukit Panjang


Arkib Negara 1957/0264694W, 26/03/1930: "SITE PLAN OF COOLY LINES AT BUKIT PANJANG -".


Arkib Negara 1957/0263116W, 31/03/1930: "SANCTION TO SELL THE OVERSEER'S QUARTERS NO. 73 AT BUKIT PANJANG".


Arkib Negara 1957/0269672W, 20/03/1931: "DISPOSAL OF THE EXISTING COOLY LINES AT BUKIT PANJANG".

1931: Kepupusan Gajah

Menurut Mr. C. Jackson, Deputy Game Warden Selangor, pihak kerajaan gagal menyediakan tempat perlindungan hidupan liar khusus buat hidupan yang terjejas oleh penebangan hutan untuk tujuan perladangan. Antara akibatnya, kumpulan gajah yang dahulunya banyak di Bukit Cherakah dan Bukit Panjang, kian pupus: “A very interesting statement on the remaining wild life in Selangor, and on measures necessary for its preservation, has been submitted by Mr. C. Jackson, Deputy Game Warden for this State, to the Wild Life Commission. Mr. Jackson (who is on leave) writes: ….. There are now only two animals left in the Kuala Selangor elephant herd, an old cow with a calf. I have been personally responsible for the shooting of give animals from this herd since June, 1929, on the authority of the Chief Secretary to Government by whom they were prescribed owing to damage to the Sungei Buloh river bund and also to agriculture. Periodic damage to rubber and oil palm estates which was complained of was inspected by me and found to be justified. Three estates, namely Elmina, Tandridge and Bukit Ijoke suffered severely from repeated visits by this herd. No efforts to my knowledge have ever been made by Government to preserve the Kuala Selangor herd by reserving sufficient primeval area for it to live in and ? provision been made for a permanent wild life sanctuary, the elephants once so numerous in the Bukit Cherakah and Bukit Panjang districts would still be flourishing today.” (The Straits Times, 7 January 1931, Page 16: |"JUNGLE LIFE IN SELANGOR").

2007: Pewartaan HSK Bukit Cherakah Tambahan (T)

Butiran kawasan tanah kerajaan yang digazetkan sebagai HSK dalam tahun 2006-2010
“PERTANYAAN-PERTANYAAN BERTULIS DARIPADA Y.B. TUAN DR. ABD RANI BIN OSMAN (MERU); TAJUK : JUMLAH TANAH KERAJAAN; 72. Bertanya kepada Y.A.B. Dato’ Menteri Besar: a) Berapakah jumlah tanah milik Kerajaan Selangor yang digazetkan sebagai hutan simpanan kekal ? ….. JAWAPAN : a) Jumlah keluasan tanah milik Kerajaan Selangor yang telah digazetkan sebagai Hutan Simpanan Kekal (HSK) bagi tempoh 2006 – 2010 adalah seluas 13,216.2 hektar. Maklumat tambahan: Butiran kawasan tanah kerajaan yang digazetkan sebagai HSK dalam tahun 2006 – 2010. Bil: 1.; Status Asal: Tanah Kerajaan; Nama Hutan Simpan: HSK. Bukit Cherakah (T); Tahun Diwartakan: 2007; Keluasan (ha): 967.73; Jumlah/tahun: 967.73 …..” (Dewan Negeri Selangor, 9 Julai 2012 hingga 12 Julai 2012: |"Mesyuarat Kedua Penggal Kelima Dewan Negeri Selangor Tahun 2012", m.s.230).

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