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midlands_estate [2024/09/08 08:43] – created sazlimidlands_estate [2024/09/08 23:06] (kini) – [1906: Pembukaan] sazli
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 (Sumber: Arnold Wright, 1908: [[|"Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources"]], m.s.445-449). (Sumber: Arnold Wright, 1908: [[|"Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources"]], m.s.445-449).
 +//"Mr. Whitham first came to the Federated Malay States from Ceylon in 1906, and was entrusted with the development of Ayer Kuning Estate, a block of jungle land belonging to Highlands and Lowlands Para Rubber Co., Ltd., which now forms the Midlands division of Highlands and Lowlands and the Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd. The district was unhealthy when Mr. Whitham went there and he was confronted with the difficulties usually attendant upon clearing jungle in this country, but with such vigour and determination did he face his work that, at the end of three years, he had nearly 3,000 acres opened, a planting record we should imagine, seldom equalled, and one with which his name deserves to be always associated. The arduous nature of the work he had done had, however, undermined his health, and in 1909 he was invalided Home."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 November 1912, Page 6: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette19121126-1-2-30.pdf ||}}[[|"DEATH OF MR. JOHN WHITHAM"]]).
 +===== 1910: Perolehan Sebagai Midlands Division =====
 +Mulai April 1910, Ayer Kuning Estate dikenali secara rasmi sebagai Midlands Division (atau Midlands Estate): //"In April, 1910, the Company sold to the Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, some 6,800 acres of the large Ayer Kuning block on which a full report by Mr. R.W. Harrison was incorporated in the directors' report for 1909. The land sold comprised a planted area of 1,532 acres. ... The area of approximately 3,500 acres, part of the Ayer Kuning block, which was retained by this company, is now known as the Midlands Division. The land retained by the company is now divided into three divisions, of which the cultivated areas are as follows:-"//
 +^ Division ^ Planted at end of 1910 ^ In bearing end of 1910 ^ Approx. No. of trees tapped during 1910 ^
 +| Highlands | 1,170 Acres | 1,088 Acres | 96,000 |
 +| Batu Unjor | 1,014 " | 780 " | 77,000 |
 +| Midlands | 1,576 " | Nil | Nil |
 +| TOTAL | 3,760 Acres | 1,868 Acres | 173,000 |
 +//"A further area of about 80 acres on the Highlands division was cleared at the end of the year, and has since been added to the planted area."//
 +(Sumber: The Straits Times, 6 May 1911, Page 9: {{ :akhbar:straitstimes19110506-1-2-73.pdf ||}}[[|"Highlands & Lowlands"]]).
 +===== 1913: Jalan Ayer Kuning Estate - HS Bukit Cherakah =====
 +Arkib Negara 1957/0170454W, 23/06/1913: {{ :arkibgambar:online_finding_aids_-_material_detail_-_204577.pdf ||}}[[|"LETTER FROM DEPUTY CONSERVATOR OF FOREST RE ACCESS RESERVE FROM THE ROAD IN AYER KUNING ESTATE TO BUKIT CHERAKA FOREST RESERVE"]].
 +===== 1914-10-31: Pekerja Melarikan Diri =====
 +//"The District Judge was occupied for several hours, yesterday, regarding the absconding of seven Tamil coolies from Midlands Estate, otherwise known as Ayer Kuning Estate, situate, three miles out of Klang, F.M.S. These coolies, five men and two women, were arrested here on Saturday last on an estate belonging to Messrs Guthrie and Company."// (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 November 1914, Page 2: {{ :akhbar:singfreepressb19141105-1-2-6.pdf ||}}[[|"ABSCONDING COOLIES"]]).
midlands_estate.1725756221.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/08 08:43 by sazli