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kuala_selangor_1894 [2024/09/18 11:04] – [Kronologi] sazlikuala_selangor_1894 [2024/09/18 11:06] (kini) – [Kronologi] sazli
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 | 9 | Jeram | //"Jeram, a coast fishing village of Malays and Chinese under Penghuli Raja Dolah, 9 1/2 miles from Kuala Selangor, was reached at 2.30 p.m. and after an inspection of the vernacular school, which has over 100 boys enrolled, and the Police Station, and a visit to the Penghulu's family, the party put off to the G.S.Y. Esmeralda, which had come round to meet them. \\ \\ It may here be noted that the fishing industry of Kuala Selangor is one of considerable importance and its development yearly increasing. The Government revenue from this source in 1893 reached the sum of $8,000. \\ \\ For fresh fish and prawns the principal market is Kuala Lumpur. Enterprising Chinese obtain ice at the Port of Klang, load it in boats, visit the chief fishing centres on the coast, pack the fish in ice, return to Klang and send their ice-packed fish to the market at Kuala Lumpur by rail, 22 miles."// \\ \\ Terjemahan (sebahagian):- \\ \\ //"Kami tiba di Jeram, kampung nelayan pantai yang mengandungi orang Melayu dan Cina di bawah Penghulu Dolah, Sembilan setengah batu dari Kuala Selangor. Selepas melawat sekolah Melayu yang terdiri daripada 100 murid laki-laki, dan Pejabat Polis serta melawat keluarga Penghulu, rombongan kami pergi ke G.S.Y Esmeralda yang datang berlabuh untuk menemui mereka."// | | 9 | Jeram | //"Jeram, a coast fishing village of Malays and Chinese under Penghuli Raja Dolah, 9 1/2 miles from Kuala Selangor, was reached at 2.30 p.m. and after an inspection of the vernacular school, which has over 100 boys enrolled, and the Police Station, and a visit to the Penghulu's family, the party put off to the G.S.Y. Esmeralda, which had come round to meet them. \\ \\ It may here be noted that the fishing industry of Kuala Selangor is one of considerable importance and its development yearly increasing. The Government revenue from this source in 1893 reached the sum of $8,000. \\ \\ For fresh fish and prawns the principal market is Kuala Lumpur. Enterprising Chinese obtain ice at the Port of Klang, load it in boats, visit the chief fishing centres on the coast, pack the fish in ice, return to Klang and send their ice-packed fish to the market at Kuala Lumpur by rail, 22 miles."// \\ \\ Terjemahan (sebahagian):- \\ \\ //"Kami tiba di Jeram, kampung nelayan pantai yang mengandungi orang Melayu dan Cina di bawah Penghulu Dolah, Sembilan setengah batu dari Kuala Selangor. Selepas melawat sekolah Melayu yang terdiri daripada 100 murid laki-laki, dan Pejabat Polis serta melawat keluarga Penghulu, rombongan kami pergi ke G.S.Y Esmeralda yang datang berlabuh untuk menemui mereka."// |
-(Sumber catatan: Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 April 1894, Page 3: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette18940426-1-2-24.pdf ||}}[[|"NOTES OF THE RESIDENT'S VISITS TO DISTRICTS IN SELANGOR, 1894"]]Sumber terjemahan: Universiti Selangor, 2022: {{ :lampiran:unisel_konvo16_2022_buku_cenderamata_ebook_latest.pdf ||}} [[|"Istiadat Konvokesyen Ke-16, 2022"]], m.s.39-40).+===== Sumber ===== 
 +Sumber catatan kolonial: Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 April 1894, Page 3: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette18940426-1-2-24.pdf ||}}[[|"NOTES OF THE RESIDENT'S VISITS TO DISTRICTS IN SELANGOR, 1894"]]
 +Sumber terjemahan: //"Catatan ini ditulis oleh C.H.A. Turney et al. dan pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1890-an dalam Selangor Journal. C.H.A. Turney ialah Pegawai Daerah Kelang 1890-1892. Artikel beliau dan rakanrakan diterjemahkan di sini sebagai cuplikan daripada buku yang bakal terbit, Dari Batang Berjuntai ke Bestari Jaya: Koleksi Memoir, susunan Md. Sidin Ahmad Ishak"// (Universiti Selangor, 2022: {{ :lampiran:unisel_konvo16_2022_buku_cenderamata_ebook_latest.pdf ||}} [[|"Istiadat Konvokesyen Ke-16, 2022"]], m.s.39-40).
kuala_selangor_1894.1726628680.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/18 11:04 by sazli