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kuala_selangor_1894 [2024/09/18 10:59] – [Kronologi] sazlikuala_selangor_1894 [2024/09/18 11:06] (kini) – [Kronologi] sazli
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 | 6 | Api Api | //"The next morning the Resident, Mr. Spooner, Mr. G. Bellamy, Mr. Cope and Mr. Spearing started off on foot, at 7 a.m., along the unmetalled, but nearly completed, 18-ft road to Klang, which is 28 1/2 miles in length. \\ \\ Raja Dolah, Penghulu of Jeram, Imam Prang Perkasa Penghulu of Kuala Selangor, the Datoh Dagang and the Penghulu of Panchang Pedina accompanied the party. About the 4th mile Penghulu Haji Ahmat, of the Api-Api Mukim, and the Datoh Dagang met the Resident and conducted him to a pondok specially erected to give a good view of 100 acres of capital padi land newly opened and carrying a rich crop, thanks to the assistance rendered to the villagers by Government in procuring buffaloes. This land has been brought under cultivation by the Kelantan families introduced in 1893 by Che Mat, since appointed by H.H. the Sultan to be Datoh Dagan, and who is referred to in the previous remarks on Batang Berjuntai. \\ \\ The use of buffaloes in turning up the soil on padi lands is well known, and the absence of these useful animals in this District, ever since the civil disturbances many years ago, acts as a drag on padi cultivation, and might be remedied by judicious assistance by the Sultan."// \\ \\ Terjemahan (sebahagian):- \\ \\ //"Raja Dolah, Penghulu Jeram, Imam Perang Perkasa, Penghulu Kuala Selangor, Dato’ Dagang dan Penghulu Pancang Pedina mengiringi rombongan. Kira-kira di Batu 4, Penghulu Haji Ahmad dari mukim Api-Api dan Dato’ Dagang menemui Residen. Lalu Residen pun dibawa ke pondok yang dibina khas untuk menyaksikan pandangan cantik 100 ekar sawah padi yang baru dibuka dan sedang tumbuh menghasilkan beras hasil daripada bantuan kerajaan yang menyediakan kerbau kepada orang kampung. Tanah tersebut diusahakan oleh keluarga dari Kelantan yang dibawa oleh Che Mat pada tahun 1893 apabila beliau dilantik menjadi Dato’ Dagang oleh Sultan. \\ \\ Penggunaan kerbau untuk membajak tanah di sawah padi memanglah terkenal dan ketiadaan haiwan-haiwan itu di daerah ini sejak kekacauan awam (akibat perang saudara) beberapa tahun lalu menyebabkan pertanian padi tidak dapat dijalankan dan perlu dipulihkan semula dengan bantuan Sultan."// | | 6 | Api Api | //"The next morning the Resident, Mr. Spooner, Mr. G. Bellamy, Mr. Cope and Mr. Spearing started off on foot, at 7 a.m., along the unmetalled, but nearly completed, 18-ft road to Klang, which is 28 1/2 miles in length. \\ \\ Raja Dolah, Penghulu of Jeram, Imam Prang Perkasa Penghulu of Kuala Selangor, the Datoh Dagang and the Penghulu of Panchang Pedina accompanied the party. About the 4th mile Penghulu Haji Ahmat, of the Api-Api Mukim, and the Datoh Dagang met the Resident and conducted him to a pondok specially erected to give a good view of 100 acres of capital padi land newly opened and carrying a rich crop, thanks to the assistance rendered to the villagers by Government in procuring buffaloes. This land has been brought under cultivation by the Kelantan families introduced in 1893 by Che Mat, since appointed by H.H. the Sultan to be Datoh Dagan, and who is referred to in the previous remarks on Batang Berjuntai. \\ \\ The use of buffaloes in turning up the soil on padi lands is well known, and the absence of these useful animals in this District, ever since the civil disturbances many years ago, acts as a drag on padi cultivation, and might be remedied by judicious assistance by the Sultan."// \\ \\ Terjemahan (sebahagian):- \\ \\ //"Raja Dolah, Penghulu Jeram, Imam Perang Perkasa, Penghulu Kuala Selangor, Dato’ Dagang dan Penghulu Pancang Pedina mengiringi rombongan. Kira-kira di Batu 4, Penghulu Haji Ahmad dari mukim Api-Api dan Dato’ Dagang menemui Residen. Lalu Residen pun dibawa ke pondok yang dibina khas untuk menyaksikan pandangan cantik 100 ekar sawah padi yang baru dibuka dan sedang tumbuh menghasilkan beras hasil daripada bantuan kerajaan yang menyediakan kerbau kepada orang kampung. Tanah tersebut diusahakan oleh keluarga dari Kelantan yang dibawa oleh Che Mat pada tahun 1893 apabila beliau dilantik menjadi Dato’ Dagang oleh Sultan. \\ \\ Penggunaan kerbau untuk membajak tanah di sawah padi memanglah terkenal dan ketiadaan haiwan-haiwan itu di daerah ini sejak kekacauan awam (akibat perang saudara) beberapa tahun lalu menyebabkan pertanian padi tidak dapat dijalankan dan perlu dipulihkan semula dengan bantuan Sultan."// |
 | 7 | Asam Jawa | //"A little further on, the agricultural track and drain from Bukit Rotan, made by a colony of Javanese coffee planters, was passed, and, after short visit to the Penghulu's house, the school at Asam Jawa, five miles from Kuala Selangor, was inspected by the Resident and the District Officer, and tiffin partaken of at the schoolmaster's quarters."// \\ \\ Terjemahan:- \\ \\ //"Tidak jauh ke hadapan terdapat jalur pertanian dan parit dari Bukit Rotan yang diusahakan oleh sekumpulan penanam kopi orang Jawa. Selepas melawat rumah Penghulu dan sekolah di Asam Jawa, lima batu dari Kuala Selangor, kami menjamu selera di rumah pengetua sekolah."// \\ \\ **CATATAN**: SK Assam Jawa dibuka pada tahun 1892 (SK ASSAM JAWA: {{ :laman:skajks.blogspot.com_p_sejarah-sekolah.html.pdf ||}}[[|"Sejarah Sekolah"]]). | | 7 | Asam Jawa | //"A little further on, the agricultural track and drain from Bukit Rotan, made by a colony of Javanese coffee planters, was passed, and, after short visit to the Penghulu's house, the school at Asam Jawa, five miles from Kuala Selangor, was inspected by the Resident and the District Officer, and tiffin partaken of at the schoolmaster's quarters."// \\ \\ Terjemahan:- \\ \\ //"Tidak jauh ke hadapan terdapat jalur pertanian dan parit dari Bukit Rotan yang diusahakan oleh sekumpulan penanam kopi orang Jawa. Selepas melawat rumah Penghulu dan sekolah di Asam Jawa, lima batu dari Kuala Selangor, kami menjamu selera di rumah pengetua sekolah."// \\ \\ **CATATAN**: SK Assam Jawa dibuka pada tahun 1892 (SK ASSAM JAWA: {{ :laman:skajks.blogspot.com_p_sejarah-sekolah.html.pdf ||}}[[|"Sejarah Sekolah"]]). |
-| 8 | Sungei Buloh (//"Bulu River"//) | //"Meanwhile Mr. Spooner had proceeded to the Bulu River in quest of crocodiles, of which he secured three good specimens. \\ \\ After luncheon the journey was resumed across the Bulu River, and a detour made to the fishing village at the Kuala, where resides the Rawai Fishing Farmer, in whose kongsi were stored strange skins of sharks, thornbacks, rays and swordfish. \\ \\ It is in contemplation by the District Officer to remove to the roadside at Sungie Bulu the Chinese shops and the Police station from Jeram. \\ \\ Further, on the main road, a short branch path took the party to a picturesque and comfortable halting bungalow, with stables, built by the P.W.D. in 1893, at a cost of $1,200. Returning to the main road, a very extensive tract of padi was traversed. \\ \\ In this part of the District and extending into that of Klang is a large area of land which, probably, could without difficulty be irrigated and converted into rich padi land, use being made of the upper waters of the Bulu River, which has its source near Kuang, in Ulu Selangor. The real difficulty would be to find the population to till the land so prepared. Kuala Selangor is not so fortunately placed as the Perak padi district which it resembles - Krian - which, lying alongside an old padi district, Province Wellesley, and Kedah, easily attracts colonists across its borders as the Government extends its roads, drainage, and water gates. Foreign Malays are, however, coming into the District yearly in increasing numbers, without direct Government assistance, and the District Officer is sanguine that 1894 will shew almost quadruple the quantity of padi harvested as compared with the yield of 1893."// \\ \\ Terjemahan (sebahagian):- \\ \\ //"Sementara itu Mr. Spooner pergi ke Sungai Buloh untuk mencari buaya dan beliau berjaya menangkap tiga ekor yang besar. Jauh ke hadapan, di jalan utama, sebuah lorong membawa kami ke banglo rehat yang mempunyai pemandangan cantik, dengan kandang kuda, dibina oleh P.W.D. pada tahun 1893 dengan kos $1,200. Kami ke jalan utama semula merentas jaluran sawah padi yang luas. \\ \\ Di daerah ini yang merentang hingga ke Klang, terdapat kawasan tanah yang luas yang mungkin, tanpa kesukaran, boleh diairi dan dijadikan tanah sawah yang subur, dengan menggunakan air daripada Sungai Buloh yang mempunyai sumbernya di Kuang, Ulu Selangor. Masalah sebenar adalah bagaimana untuk mendapatkan penduduk bagi mengerjakan tanah yang telah tersedia ini…orang Melayu asing, bagaimanapun, datang ke daerah ini dan meningkat bilangannya dari tahun ke tahun tanpa bantuan langsung oleh kerajaan dan Pegawai Daerah yakin bahawa kuantiti padi yang dituai akan meningkat hampir empat kali lipat pada tahun1894 berbanding dengan 1893"//+| 8 | Sungei Buloh (//"Bulu River"//) | //"Meanwhile Mr. Spooner had proceeded to the Bulu River in quest of crocodiles, of which he secured three good specimens. \\ \\ After luncheon the journey was resumed across the Bulu River, and a detour made to the fishing village at the Kuala, where resides the Rawai Fishing Farmer, in whose kongsi were stored strange skins of sharks, thornbacks, rays and swordfish. \\ \\ It is in contemplation by the District Officer to remove to the roadside at Sungie Bulu the Chinese shops and the Police station from Jeram. \\ \\ Further, on the main road, a short branch path took the party to a picturesque and comfortable halting bungalow, with stables, built by the P.W.D. in 1893, at a cost of $1,200. Returning to the main road, a very extensive tract of padi was traversed. \\ \\ In this part of the District and extending into that of Klang is a large area of land which, probably, could without difficulty be irrigated and converted into rich padi land, use being made of the upper waters of the Bulu River, which has its source near Kuang, in Ulu Selangor. The real difficulty would be to find the population to till the land so prepared. Kuala Selangor is not so fortunately placed as the Perak padi district which it resembles - Krian - which, lying alongside an old padi district, Province Wellesley, and Kedah, easily attracts colonists across its borders as the Government extends its roads, drainage, and water gates. Foreign Malays are, however, coming into the District yearly in increasing numbers, without direct Government assistance, and the District Officer is sanguine that 1894 will shew almost quadruple the quantity of padi harvested as compared with the yield of 1893."// \\ \\ Terjemahan (sebahagian):- \\ \\ //"Sementara itu Mr. Spooner pergi ke Sungai Buloh untuk mencari buaya dan beliau berjaya menangkap tiga ekor yang besar. \\ ... \\ Jauh ke hadapan, di jalan utama, sebuah lorong membawa kami ke banglo rehat yang mempunyai pemandangan cantik, dengan kandang kuda, dibina oleh P.W.D. pada tahun 1893 dengan kos $1,200. Kami ke jalan utama semula merentas jaluran sawah padi yang luas. \\ \\ Di daerah ini yang merentang hingga ke Klang, terdapat kawasan tanah yang luas yang mungkin, tanpa kesukaran, boleh diairi dan dijadikan tanah sawah yang subur, dengan menggunakan air daripada Sungai Buloh yang mempunyai sumbernya di Kuang, Ulu Selangor. Masalah sebenar adalah bagaimana untuk mendapatkan penduduk bagi mengerjakan tanah yang telah tersedia ini…orang Melayu asing, bagaimanapun, datang ke daerah ini dan meningkat bilangannya dari tahun ke tahun tanpa bantuan langsung oleh kerajaan dan Pegawai Daerah yakin bahawa kuantiti padi yang dituai akan meningkat hampir empat kali lipat pada tahun1894 berbanding dengan 1893"//
-| 9 | Jeram | //"Jeram, a coast fishing village of Malays and Chinese under Penghuli Raja Dolah, 9 1/2 miles from Kuala Selangor, was reached at 2.30 p.m. and after an inspection of the vernacular school, which has over 100 boys enrolled, and the Police Station, and a visit to the Penghulu's family, the party put off to the G.S.Y. Esmeralda, which had come round to meet them. \\ \\ It may here be noted that the fishing industry of Kuala Selangor is one of considerable importance and its development yearly increasing. The Government revenue from this source in 1893 reached the sum of $8,000. \\ \\ For fresh fish and prawns the principal market is Kuala Lumpur. Enterprising Chinese obtain ice at the Port of Klang, load it in boats, visit the chief fishing centres on the coast, pack the fish in ice, return to Klang and send their ice-packed fish to the market at Kuala Lumpur by rail, 22 miles."// \\ \\ Terjemahan: //"Kami tiba di Jeram, kampung nelayan pantai yang mengandungi orang Melayu dan Cina di bawah Penghulu Dolah, Sembilan setengah batu dari Kuala Selangor. Selepas melawat sekolah Melayu yang terdiri daripada 100 murid laki-laki, dan Pejabat Polis serta melawat keluarga Penghulu, rombongan kami pergi ke G.S.Y Esmeralda yang datang berlabuh untuk menemui mereka."// |+| 9 | Jeram | //"Jeram, a coast fishing village of Malays and Chinese under Penghuli Raja Dolah, 9 1/2 miles from Kuala Selangor, was reached at 2.30 p.m. and after an inspection of the vernacular school, which has over 100 boys enrolled, and the Police Station, and a visit to the Penghulu's family, the party put off to the G.S.Y. Esmeralda, which had come round to meet them. \\ \\ It may here be noted that the fishing industry of Kuala Selangor is one of considerable importance and its development yearly increasing. The Government revenue from this source in 1893 reached the sum of $8,000. \\ \\ For fresh fish and prawns the principal market is Kuala Lumpur. Enterprising Chinese obtain ice at the Port of Klang, load it in boats, visit the chief fishing centres on the coast, pack the fish in ice, return to Klang and send their ice-packed fish to the market at Kuala Lumpur by rail, 22 miles."// \\ \\ Terjemahan (sebahagian):- \\ \\ //"Kami tiba di Jeram, kampung nelayan pantai yang mengandungi orang Melayu dan Cina di bawah Penghulu Dolah, Sembilan setengah batu dari Kuala Selangor. Selepas melawat sekolah Melayu yang terdiri daripada 100 murid laki-laki, dan Pejabat Polis serta melawat keluarga Penghulu, rombongan kami pergi ke G.S.Y Esmeralda yang datang berlabuh untuk menemui mereka."// | 
 +===== Sumber ===== 
 +Sumber catatan kolonial: Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 April 1894, Page 3: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette18940426-1-2-24.pdf ||}}[[|"NOTES OF THE RESIDENT'S VISITS TO DISTRICTS IN SELANGOR, 1894"]]. 
 +Sumber terjemahan: //"Catatan ini ditulis oleh C.H.A. Turney et al. dan pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1890-an dalam Selangor Journal. C.H.A. Turney ialah Pegawai Daerah Kelang 1890-1892. Artikel beliau dan rakanrakan diterjemahkan di sini sebagai cuplikan daripada buku yang bakal terbit, Dari Batang Berjuntai ke Bestari Jaya: Koleksi Memoir, susunan Md. Sidin Ahmad Ishak"// (Universiti Selangor, 2022: {{ :lampiran:unisel_konvo16_2022_buku_cenderamata_ebook_latest.pdf ||}} [[|"Istiadat Konvokesyen Ke-16, 2022"]], m.s.39-40).
kuala_selangor_1894.1726628397.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/18 10:59 by sazli