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bukit_panjang [2024/09/04 12:22] – [1896: Pembinaan Jalan ke Bukit Panjang] sazli | bukit_panjang [2024/09/12 22:00] (kini) – [1965: Peta Sekitar Jeram - Bukit Panjang] sazli |
daerah ini sejak kekacauan awam (akibat perang saudara) beberapa tahun lalu menyebabkan pertanian padi tidak dapat | daerah ini sejak kekacauan awam (akibat perang saudara) beberapa tahun lalu menyebabkan pertanian padi tidak dapat |
dijalankan dan perlu dipulihkan semula dengan bantuan Sultan."// (Universiti Selangor, 2022: [[|"Istiadat Konvokesyen Ke-16, 2022"]], m.s.39-40). | dijalankan dan perlu dipulihkan semula dengan bantuan Sultan."// (Universiti Selangor, 2022: [[|"Istiadat Konvokesyen Ke-16, 2022"]], m.s.39-40). |
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| ===== 1897: Kegiatan Masyarakat Sekitar Bukit Panjang ===== |
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| Menurut catatan Pegawai Daerah Kuala Selangor, Mr. A. Hale, pada bulan April 1897: Bukit Panjang diduduki oleh majoriti masyarakat Banjar. 100 ekar kawasan lereng bukit itu telah ditanam kopi: Kaum Cina menanam kopi sahaja, manakala kaum Banjar menanam padi dahulu, diikuti kopi. Kaum Melayu/tempatan pula hanya menanam padi bukit. Atas cadangan Mr. Hale, kawasan bukit hanya ditanam kopi, manakala kawasan paya di kaki bukit dibuka untuk sawah padi: //"In his report for April, the District Officer Kuala Selangor (Mr. A. Hale) writes:- ..... 26th and 28th (April). I spent three nights at Bukit Panjang. There is a considerable Banjarese settlement here and perhaps 100 acres of coffee planted out; the soil is, I am afraid, not very good, it is too sandy, but an adjacent hill just started is much better. There are three sorts of cultivation here - a few Chinese have taken up land and planted coffee directly, this looks very well; the Banjarese planted padi first and then coffee, this looks badly; the native Malays planted padi and no coffee at all, they only took up the land for the sake of a crop of hill padi. During my stay there I was able to convince the Banjarese that the Chinese system was the only one likely to be profitable. I have since received a letter from the Banjarese headman in which he promises, for his people, that they will plant no more hill padi but clear their hill land and plant coffee directly, and take up swamp land for permanent sawahs. I arranged for a man to manage the sawah cultivation; for the land already applied for to be demarcated as soon as possible; and have since received 62 fresh applications for sawah land. If only I had a sufficient staff of demarcators to deal with these applications, I believe in two year's time such an extensive sawah cultivation would spring up between the road and the Bukit Panjang range, that the Government would see reason to spend money in assisting the people to irrigate the land and make it a permanent and valuable property."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 June 1897, Page 3: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette18970609-1-2-21.pdf ||}}[[|"SELANGOR NEWS"]]). |
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| Menurut catatan Mr. A. Hale pada bulan Jun 1897, hampir 1,000 ekar hutan paya di sekitar Bukit Panjang telah ditebang untuk penanaman padi: //"In his June report Mr. A. Hale, D.O., writes:- Mr. Tanner, from Ceylon arrived (10th June) to look at some coffee land. I went to Jeram on 13th June. The people are distressed that the police are being moved to Sungei Buluh. I confess I do not see the benefit and have written officially on the matter. At Bukit Panjang nearly a thousand acres have been felled for padi planting. I went on 20th June to Kuala Lumpur for the Jubilee, having sent the chiefs on two days before. On 26th I returned to Kuala Selangor. Everywhere I hear amongst the people who attended the Jubilee expressions of gratification concerning the celebration. Last night (29th June) and the night before, what appear to have been attempts to burn the town down occured; and each night the attap roofs of shop houses were discovered on fire, which was in both instances luckily put out. On telegraphing for assistance to Klang three extra constables were sent, so that two men are now on guard in the town instead of one. These fires have had the effect of frightening the Chinese shop-keepers, and I am about to report on a scheme for roofing the town with tiles."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 August 1897, Page 3: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette18970809-1-2-28.pdf ||}}[[|"KUALA SELANGOR"]]). |
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| Hampir 2 tahun setelah itu (1899), pegawai daerah menyatakan tanaman kopi yang ditanam oleh kaum Cina di Bukit Panjang tampak sangat baik: //"The Chinese coffee on Bukit Panjang, Kuala Selangor, looks extremely well. The district officer wishes the English planters had tried these hills as well as the swamp land."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 January 1899, Page 2: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette18990105-1-2-6.pdf ||}}[[|"LOCAL AND GENERAL"]]). |
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| ===== 1898-1899: Perparitan di Bukit Panjang ===== |
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| Perancangan perparitan di Bukit Panjang dan Bukit Cherakah bermula sekitar tahun 1898: //"Plan and Estimate, Bukit Panjang and Bukit Cheraka (Jeram) Drainage Scheme, Forwards; Sir, In accordance with instructions under date 17.5.98 on 1413/98, I have the honour to forward herewith a plan and estimate for the complete Bukit Panjang and Bukit Cheraka (Jeram) Drainage Scheme. 2. The estimate for the complete scheme in accordance with the wishes and proposals of the District Officer is $19,003.00. Of this sum $8,500.00 has been provided this year under authority in 1413/98. There will therefore be a further sum of $10,503.00 (say $10,500.00) to be voted in 1899 to carry out the whole scheme. 3. I am uncertain if it would be advisable to vote the whole of this money until the work at present done has been tested by time and the benefit derived to the native settlers has been proved, and I am of opinion that the District Officer should be requested to report on this point. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Obedient Servant, H.F. Bellamy, Acting State Engineer."// (Arkib Negara 1957/0078827W, 01/09/1898: {{ :arkib:19570078827d02.pdf ||}}[[|"PLAN AND ESTIMATE, BUKIT PANJANG AND BUKIT CHERAKA JERAM DRAINAGE SCHEME. FORWARDS : -"]]). |
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| Projek tersebut berjalan dengan lancar sepanjang tahun tersebut. Pembinaan kunci air belum dapat ditetapkan oleh kerana parit belum siap dibina hingga ke Bukit Cherakah:- |
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| //"P.W.D. Head Office, Kuala Lumpur, Dated 23rd September, 1898. P.W.D.No: 3376/98. Bukit Panjang Drainage Scheme. Asks if he may proceed with the work to extent of money available. Sir, With reference to 2899/97, I have the honour to report that, after carrying out the work known as the Bukit Panjang Drainage Scheme, on the lines ordered by the Resident on 17.5.98 on 1418/98, I have a balance on the vote of $1,216.40. 2. As the District Officer wishes all the work possible to be done this year, I have the honour to ask if I am at liberty to proceed with the work to the amount of money available and given above."// - H.F.Bellamy, Acting State Engineer. |
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| //"Approved. 28.9. 2. What is proposed in the way of watergates for this drainage scheme?//" - Resident |
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| //"Watergates are provided for in the final estimate submitted in my2276/98 ? on 25/9 but until the drain is completed to Bkt Cheraka and the quantity of water to be dealt with is ascertained more exactly, it is difficult to say how many watergates are required or where is the best place for them."// - S.E.(State Engineer) 10.10.98. |
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| (Sumber: Arkib Negara 1957/0079158W, 23/09/1898: {{ :arkib:19570079158d02.pdf ||}}[[|"BUKIT PANJANG DRAINAGE SCHEME. ENQUIRES IF HE MAY PROCEED WITH THE WORK TO EXTENT OF MONEY AVAILABLE"]]). |
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| Namun pada tahun berikutnya (1899), terjadi kelewatan pada pembinaan perparitan tersebut. Pegawai Daerah Kuala Selangor menjelaskan bahawa ia adalah disebabkan kekurangan tenaga kerja di kawasan itu. Sementara itu, keperluan kegiatan penanam padi di situ telah memaksa tumpuan dialihkan kepada pembinaan empangan sementara untuk mengawal paras air ketika musim banjir dan kemarau:- |
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| //"Reports inability to continue excavating the drain towards Bukit Chelaka in the Kuala Selangor district."// - State Engineer, K. Lumpor. 11.10.99. |
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| //"I enclose a copy of a minute from the D.E. to me on the subject. 2. I consider the dams of more importance than the progress of the work. 3. I also endorse the D.E.'s remarks as to the difficulty of the work. 4. And whilst I deplore the delay in the work I am afraid we must ? ? with it, the prime reason is of course the small amount of available labour in the district."// - D.O. K. Selangor, 17.10.99. |
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| //"D.O. K. Selangor, Please explain in what way ? dams are of more importance than the progress of the work. The circumstance must have been very unusual to ? ? delaying a work approved by the government and still under the ? of the P.W.D."// - 20.10.99. |
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| //"The drain ? the double purpose of draining the land when it is too wet and as irrigation drain from which the land is flooded when it is too dry; for the second purpose temporary dams are put in by the padi growers to save the level of the water. 2. As soon as the drain is completed to Bukit Cheraka permanent flush gates will be put in for the purpose of ? the level of the water they ? provided for in the orginal estimate but have not yet have constructed because progress has been so slow on the work of drain ? that is ? decided to leave them out until the drain is completed. 3. The same thing took place last year about the dams; in October, when the padi planters wanted the water raised for irrigation, dams were put in. The P.W.D. are fully aware of the necessity having been duly noticed by me both last year and this several months before the necessity of erecting the dams. 4. It is these dams - or as will ? be erected - the permanent flush gates that ? padi growing possible until more permanent irrigation works are started and the Sungei Buloh is dammed."// - 23.10.99. |
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| (Sumber: Arkib Negara 1957/0086578W, 11/10/1899: {{ :arkib:19570086578d02.pdf ||}}[[|"REPORTS INABILITY TO CONTINUE EXCAVATING THE DRAIN TOWARDS BUKIT CHELAKA IN THE KUALA SELANGOR DISTRICT"]]). |
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| ===== 1900: Sekolah Bukit Panjang ===== |
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| Menurut laporan pegawai daerah Kuala Selangor pada awal tahun 1899, terdapat masyarakat Banjar di sekitar Bukit Panjang yang gigih mengerjakan sawah padi, juga ladang kopi di banjaran bukit. Terdapat ramai kanak-kanak di kalangan mereka, dan mereka dikatakan tidak selesa bersekolah di Sekolah Melayu Jeram yang berdekatan. Oleh itu pegawai daerah telah mencadangkan penubuhan sekolah khas untuk mereka. Dengan adanya sekolah ini, beliau mengharapkan lebih ramai lagi perantau Banjar akan berpindah dan mengerjakan tanah di situ: //"School wanted on Bukit Panjang. The Kuala Selangor district officer thus writes in his last report:- Having had an attack of fever early in the month, I stayed on Bukit Panjang for three nights, 21st to 24th, collected Banjarese rents, and examined the holdings there. I found the Banjarese very hopeful of their prospects; they have had a very successful padi season, and whilst I was amongst them I noticed very many Jeram Malays begging to buy padi, or even to be allowed to earn some by assisting the Banjarese to harvest their crops; the invariable reply to such requests was, that the Banjarese intended to keep their padi to assist immigrants, and that they preferred to do their own harvesting. I am assured that the Banjarese sawah padi averaged a crop of over 500 gantangs per acre, and that they will harvest quite twice as much as they will require for their own consumption this year. The padi harvested by the Javanese on the Bukit Rotan Road is equally good. The Banjarese and Chinese coffee on the Bukit Panjang range, in spite of bad cultivation, will be worth something presently. A very great impulse would be given to Banjarese immigration if a schoold could be established for them on Bukit Panjang, and a sympathetic teacher employed. They will not attend the Jeram school, as the parents say it so difficult to mix with the native Malays. The colony is simply swarming with young children, and they appear exceptionally healthy and sturdy."// (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 April 1899, Page 4: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette18990413-1-2-26.pdf ||}}[[|"BANJARESE IN KUALA SELANGOR"]]). |
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| Usaha mendirikan sekolah ini tercatat dalam surat-menyurat di antara Pegawai Daerah Kuala Selangor, Residen Selangor, dan Inspector of Schools pada tahun tersebut:- |
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| //"School for Banjarese Children at Bukit Panjang. With reference to the suggestion of the D.O. Kuala Selangor, in his report for February 1899, to start a school for the Banjarese children at Bukit Panjang, please ask him to let me know what attendance will be guaranteed if the proposal is adopted. I am curious to make this neighbourhood popular with the Banjarese."// - HCB (Henry Conway Belfield, Residen Selangor). 9.4.99. |
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| //"S.R. The Federal Insp. of Schools was here last week and I took the opportunity to show him the locality and the Banjarese inhabitants of the sawah land and Bukit Panjang, he expressed himself as satisfied that a school was required. 2. I now enclose a list submitted by Dato Dagang of boys who are now prepared to attend the school a year hence there will probably be many more. 3. B? the Insp. of Schools thus agreed with me that a temporary building would do to begin with. I would suggest that if funds allow this might be built this year. 4. Might this ? be sent to Sup. of Schools for his inform..."// D.O. Kuala Selangor, 20.4.99. |
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| //"There are sufficient children in the neighbourhood to support a school and the public opinion judged by a considerable number of the parents we met was decidedly in favour of starting a school."// - Insp. of Schools, 27.4.99. |
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| //"What will be the cost of (i) temporary accomodation. (ii) furniture. (iii) School outfit? 2. Can a house be rented? 3. Can a master and books are be provided without special supply?"// - HCB (Henry Conway Belfield, Residen Selangor). 28.4.99. |
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| //"The cost of a house to include school-master quarters under the same roof the S.E. estimates at $250 for a temporary building good for ? two or three years. ii. Furniture would cost about $120. iii. The Inspector of Schools will be able to state cost of outfit. 2. There are no houses available which we could rent, but the $250 could be reduced by $50 as the schoolmaster could find lodgings. I do not however advise this as the school would be unprotected during the night and on holidays."// D.O. Kuala Selangor, 15.5.99. |
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| //"1. I think the cost of furniture, as estimated by the D.O. of Kuala Selangor ? very liberal, the cost of outfit of the school would be easily met from this year's vote for purchase of books, maps, etc, authority to exceed which was granted in case of necessity (vide 761/99). 2. The Penghulus at Kuala Selangor assured the Federal Inspector that a master could be easily obtained upon a salary of $15 p.m. The books would not necessitate a special supply's being obtained."// Insp. of Schools, 19.5.99. |
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| (Sumber: Arkib Negara 1957/0083521W, 26/04/1899: {{ :arkib:19570083521d02.pdf ||}}[[|"SCHOOL FOR BANJARESE CHILDREN AT BUKIT PANJANG"]]). |
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| Pada 20 Februari 1900, Inspector of Schools telah memohon pengisian jawatan "guru besar Banjar" (Banjarese school master) di situ. Cikgu Mohamed Janum, seorang guru pelatih di Sekolah Melayu Jeram, dilantik bagi mengisi jawatan tersebut buat sementara waktu. Ketika itu, sekolah tersebut telah pun mula beroperasi:- |
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| //"Informs that a Banjarese master for the Bukit Panjang School has not yet been elected & asks authority to temporarily employ a Malay."// - Inspector of Schools, 105/1900, K.L. 20.2.1900. |
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| //"The proposal may be approved as a temporary arrangement, but I should like the D.O. to contact the Banjarese Headman at Bukit Panjang, and see if he can hear of a suitable man from him."// - HCB (Henry Conway Belfield, Residen Selangor), 21.2.1900. |
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| //"Haji Abdul Karim (Dato' Dagang) is going to Singapore to try and obtain a schoolmaster. The B. Resident says the matter had better remain over until he returns."// - D.O. Kuala Selangor, 28.2.1900. |
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| //"On receipt of this paper on 26.2, I temporarily appointed Mohamed, pupil teacher at Jeram to the post at Bukit Panjang. Am I to countermand this appointment?"// - Insp of Schools, 6.3.1900 |
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| //"D.O. K.S., Inspt. Schools. As you have already appointed him let him carry on the work in the meantime."// - 7.3.1900 |
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| **CATATAN**: Haji Abdul Karim, Dato' Dagang Simpang Tiga Jeram, yang disebutkan di atas, meninggal dunia pada tahun 1923 (Arkib Negara 1957/0226567W, 13/06/1923: [[|"HAJI ABDUL KARIM : DATO DAGANG : SIMPANG TIGA JERAM - DEATH OF :"]]). |
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| Surat perlantikan Cikgu Mohamed Janum sebagai guru besar Sekolah Bukit Panjang buat sementara waktu, mulai 1 Mac 1900. Jawatan beliau di Sekolah Melayu Jeram diambil alih oleh pembantunya, Mohamed Yamin: //"Education Office, Kuala Lumpur. 2.3.1900. Sir, I have the honour to inform you that Mohamed, pupil teacher at Jeram School has been appointed as school master at Bukit Panjang School at $15 p.m. on a temporary engagement pending the finding of a Banjarese and Mohamed Yamin, assistant pupil teacher at Jeram, has been promoted to the post of pupil teacher at $5 p.m. with effect from March 1st 1900. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, R. ?, Inspector of Schools, Selangor."// (Arkib Negara 1957/0090674W, 02/03/1900: {{ :arkib:19570090674d02.pdf ||}}[[|"MOHAMED TEMPORARILY APPOINTED AS SCHOOL-MASTER, BUKIT-PANJANG: 2. MOHAMED YANUM PROMOTED AS PUPIL TEACHER, JERAM: INFORMS:-"]]). |
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| Pada tahun 1903, beliau masih memegang jawatan tersebut, berdasarkan surat waran kenaikan gaji bertarikh 24 Januari 1903: //"District Officer, K. Selangor. 12.1.03. Arrears of Salary due to Janum, Malay Teacher, Bukit Panjang School Suppl Warrant for:- ... Supplementary Supply No. 7. 1903. Warrant Authority 330/1903; sd A R (Alfred Reid) Venning, ag. British Resident, Selangor. 24.1.1903. To the District Treasurer, Kuala Selangor. You are hereby authorised and required to pay the sum of $36 (Dollars thirty six) in addition to that provided in the Estimates for the year 1903 of $2,268 & class same under 'Education: A Personal Emoluments' to meet the increased salary of Malay Teacher, Mohamed Janum under the approved scheme for 1902, January. and for so doing, this, together with the proper Bills, Certificates and Acquittances, shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge."// (Arkib Negara 1957/0106662W, 12/01/1903: {{ :arkib:19570106662d02.pdf ||}}[[|"ARREARS OF SALARY DUE TO JANUM, MALAY TEACHER, BUKIT PANJANG SCHOOL - SUPPLEMENT WARRANT FOR :-"]]). |
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| ===== 1903: Kediaman Pekerja Pembinaan Jalan ===== |
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| //"P.W.D. Head Office, Kuala Lumpur, 1st April 1903. No: 507/1903. S.R. 757/1903. Re Cooly Lines and overseers quarters at Bukit Panjang. Sir, With reference to S.R. 757/1903, I have the honour to report that the Executive Engineer Kuala Selangor now sends in a revised plan and estimate for cooly lines and overseers quarters, Item 8, page 51, Kuala Selangor, at Bukit Panjang. 2. He reports that 'The only site available for these buildings is at the bifurcation of Bukit Panjang and Bukit Chelaka roads, 2 miles from Simpang Ampat. The land is low lying and is usually covered with 1 foor 6 inches to 2 feet of water during the rainy season'. The amended plan shows the floor level raised 3 feet 6 inches above the ground for this reason. 3. The estimate for the work as amended is $2500 and Contractor Qua Pong agrees to take up the work at this price, which is the amount of his tender for the original plan. 4. The Executive Engineer recommends that Qua Pong be given the contract for the work as revised as he is the only man in the district able to do it and to save time in calling for fresh tenders. - S.H. Wallish(?), Ag. State Engineer, Selangor."// (Arkib Negara 1957/0107075W, 02/02/1903: {{ :arkib:19570107075d02.pdf ||}}[[|"TENDER :- COOLY LINES AND OVERSEERS QUARTERS AT BUKIT PANJANG ROAD"]]). |
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| ===== 1965: Peta Sekitar Jeram - Bukit Panjang ===== |
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| {{:peta:6604_malaysia_selangor_jeram_25k_93b_master.jpg?900|Peta sekitar Jeram - Bukit Cherakah, 1965}} \\ |
| Peta sekitar Jeram - Bukit Panjang (1965) (Surveyor General, Federation of Malaya, 1965 @ Australian National University: {{ :laman:malaysia_selangor_jeram_standard_mapping_series_sheet_93b_1965_1_25_000.pdf ||}}[[|"Malaysia, Selangor, Jeram, Standard Mapping Series, Sheet 93b, 1965, 1:25 000"]]). |
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