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bukit_cherakah [2024/09/18 01:56] – [1894: Lawatan Residen: Dari Rantau Panjang ke Jeram] sazlibukit_cherakah [2024/09/18 17:48] (kini) – [1909-05-21: Pewartaan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah] sazli
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 **MAKLUMAT LANJUT: [[|1882-05-08: Peta Tinjauan Daly]]** **MAKLUMAT LANJUT: [[|1882-05-08: Peta Tinjauan Daly]]**
 +===== 1881: Pendudukan Raja Jaafar di Mukim Jeram =====
 +Terdapat surat Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus dari Bernam, bertarikh 27 Julai 1881, memohon pendudukan saudara beliau, Raja Saleman (Sulaiman) dan Raja Jafar (Jaafar) di sekitar Sungai Buloh di mukim Jeram: //"From Raja Etam bin Raja Yunus Bernam. To H. ? Resident Selangor. After compliments:- We beg to inform our friend that two of our relations named Raja Saleman & Raja Jafar and their men have gone to Klang to see & ask our friends to approve of their living at Sungei Bolo Jeram district, if our friend will allow they will remove at once. We have another afair to inform our friends that we have been to the Resident of Perak and asked him to increase our pensions to $200 as what we receive now is not enough to cover our expenses, we have many children our friend knows well. Now we beg our friend to add $100 to our pension we also wish to remove ourselves to Selangor or Klang, as it is, many of our men have gone to live there. July 27 1881."// (Arkib Negara 1957/0001472W, 27/07/1881: {{ :arkib:19570001472d02.pdf ||}}[[|"INFORMING THAT RAJA SALEMAN, RAJA JAFAR AND THEIR MEN HAVE COME TO KLANG TO ASK TO LIVE AT SUNGEI BATO AT JERAM, ALSO ASK THE RESIDENT TO INCREASE HIS OWN (RAJA ETAMS') PENSION"]]).
 +Ini mungkin Raja Jaafar yang sama yang disebutkan sebagai penghulu mukim Pasangan, Kuala Selangor (di sebelah utara kawasan hutan ini), di dalam catatan persinggahan Residen Selangor di mukim tersebut pada tahun 1894. Ketika itu beliau telah pun tua dan kurang bergiat dalam pertanian di situ (Rujuk: [[kuala_selangor_1894|"Lawatan Residen Selangor: Dari Rantau Panjang ke Jeram (1894)"]]).
 +**Latar Tokoh: [[raja_hitam_raja_yunus|Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus]]**.
 ===== 1888-1900: Penerokaan Awal: Bukit Panjang ===== ===== 1888-1900: Penerokaan Awal: Bukit Panjang =====
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 {{:peta:peta-rantaupanjang-jeram-1904.png?900|Lakaran kasar perjalanan Rantau Panjang-Jeram (1894), berdasarkan peta tahun 1904}} \\ {{:peta:peta-rantaupanjang-jeram-1904.png?900|Lakaran kasar perjalanan Rantau Panjang-Jeram (1894), berdasarkan peta tahun 1904}} \\
-Lakaran kasar perjalanan Rantau Panjang-Jeram (1894), berdasarkan peta tahun 1904. Garis biru: perjalanan melalui sungai. Garis kuning: perjalanan melalui jalan darat. Angka merah (mengikut turutan kronologi): Hentian perjalanan (Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: {{ :laman:selangor_federated_malay_states_1904_john_bartholomew_co_w.t._wood_chief_draftman._-_yale_university_library.pdf ||}}[[|"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman"]]).+Lakaran kasar perjalanan rombongan Residen Selangor dari Rantau Panjang ke Jeram, berdasarkan peta tahun 1904. Garis biru: perjalanan melalui sungai. Garis kuning: perjalanan melalui jalan darat. Angka merah (mengikut turutan kronologi): Hentian perjalanan (Sumber lakaran: Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 April 1894, Page 3: {{ :akhbar:pinangazette18940426-1-2-24.pdf ||}}[[|"NOTES OF THE RESIDENT'S VISITS TO DISTRICTS IN SELANGOR, 1894"]]; Sumber peta: Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: {{ :laman:selangor_federated_malay_states_1904_john_bartholomew_co_w.t._wood_chief_draftman._-_yale_university_library.pdf ||}}[[|"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman"]]).
-^ Bil ^ Hentian ^ Catatan Kolonial (1894) ^ +**MAKLUMAT LANJUT: [[kuala_selangor_1894|Lawatan Residen SelangorDari Rantau Panjang ke Jeram (1894)]]**.
-| 1 | Rantau Panjang | //"Rantau Panjang is a small riverside kampong of eight houses of Pahang and Selangor Malays and a few Sakeis, just off the proposed Rawang-Kuala Selangor road. On the opposite side to the village, Government has constructed a Rest House, which is occasionally used. From this village to Batang Berjuntai is a footpath, three miles in length, forming a portion of the bridle-road to Rawang, which is now being converted into a cart-road."//+
-| 2 | Batang Berjuntai | //"Proceeding down stream at daybreak, Batang Berjuntai was reached at 7 a.m., and here the Resident was met by the District Officer, Mr. G. Bellamy, and Mr. Spearing, District Engineer. \\ +
-\\ \\ The number of durian and other fruit trees shew that Batang Berjuntai was once a somewhat flourishing kampong; it was abandoned during the disturbances between Raja Mahdi and Tunku dia Udin's parties some fifty years ago. \\ \\ The village is on the Rawang-Kuala Selangor Road, 13 1/4 miles from Kuala Selangor and about 18 miles from Rawang; it was reopened about a year ago; possesses a Police Station, with a haltingroom for travellers, and Barracks. The newly appointed Penghulu, Raja Jalil, has, contrary to ancient Malay practice, selected a pretty site for his house on a hill over-hanging the river. A number of Kelantan and other Malays under Che Mat, now styled Datoh Dagang, have taken up land for padi and coffee, and an enterprising Chinaman has applied for and is opening 100 acres of land, with Liberian Coffee, alongside the road. It is hoped that under the fostering care of Mr. G. Bellamy and with the aid of the new cart-road the former glories of Batang Berjuntai may be revived and be surpassed. \\ \\ The Penghulu, Raja Jalil, is an old fighting man and formerly served on the side of Tunku dia Udin, holding a fort at Kuala Garing, where he was unfortunate enough to blow away most of the fingers of his right hand."//+
-| 3 | Kampong Asahan | //"The Resident's party continued their journey down stream at 9 a.m., but, soon meeting with the incoming tide, the influence of which extends as far as five miles below Batang Berjuntai, progress became slow and they were glad to change into the District Officer's well-appointed boat and rowed to Kampong Asahan, an old settlement of Selangor Malays, who, with padi, cultivate a few sago trees, the pith of which they extract by a rude rasp, instead of by means of bambu hatchet in vogue in Borneo and Sarawak, the great sago producing countries, which latter is a much more expeditious process."//+
-| 4 | Pasangan | //"A walk of half a mile along a rough path, on which tiger tracks were visible, brought the party to the Rawang-Kuala Selangor Road, at the 7 1/4 mile from Kuala Selangor, in the mukim of Pasangan, the Penghulu of which is Raja Jaffar, an aged chief, whose time for retiring on pension is at hand and whose age is shewn by the lack of go and absence of cultivation in his district. He was, on the Resident's arrival, away on an elephant hunt."// \\ \\ **CATATAN**: SK Pasangan di Kampung Kuantan kini, telah dibuka pada tahun 1892 (SK Pasangan, 12 Februari 2014: {{ :laman:sekolah_kebangsaan_pasangan_senarai_nama_guru_besar_sk_pasangan_1892_-_2014.pdf ||}} [[|"SENARAI NAMA GURU BESAR SK PASANGAN 1892 - 2014"]]; rabhatun.teja.215, 8 Mac 2024: [[|"Buku Pengurusan dan Takwim, Sesi Persekolahan 2024/2025").+
 ===== 1904: Peta W.T. Wood: Protective Forest Belt ==== ===== 1904: Peta W.T. Wood: Protective Forest Belt ====
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 **MAKLUMAT LANJUT: [[midlands_estate|Ayer Kuning / Midlands Estate (1906)]]**. **MAKLUMAT LANJUT: [[midlands_estate|Ayer Kuning / Midlands Estate (1906)]]**.
 +===== 1909: Sekawan Gajah dan Badak Sumbu =====
 +Terdapat laporan wujudnya sekawan gajah dan badak sumbu di sekitar Jalan Bukit Rotan, di sebelah barat laut kawasan paya dan hutan Bukit Cherakah, mungkin kesan penerokaan ladang-ladang besar sejak beberapa tahun sebelumnya: //"The presence of a herd of elephants and a rhino on the Bukit Rotan Road, Kuala Selangor, offers a good opportunity to local sportsmen, says the Malay Mail. President Roosevelt should be informed of this chance, before he takes the costly and troublesome trip to Africa."// (Straits Echo, 11 February 1909, Page 4: {{ :akhbar:straitsecho19090211-1-2-15-7.pdf ||}}[[|"Lord Dalmeny"]]).
 ===== 1909-05-21: Pewartaan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah ===== ===== 1909-05-21: Pewartaan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah =====
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 {{:peta:peta-hsk-bukitcherakah-1910.png?600|Kawasan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah, 1910}} \\ {{:peta:peta-hsk-bukitcherakah-1910.png?600|Kawasan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah, 1910}} \\
-Di dalam peta tahun 1910, kawasan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah telah pun ditandakan, ketika itu meliputi sehingga ke tebing selatan Sungai Buloh di sebelah barat laut. (Central Survey Office, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States (F.M.S.)., 1910: {{ :arkibgambar:selangor_federated_malay_states_1910.pdf ||}}[[|"Selangor, Federated Malay States 1910"]]).+Di dalam peta tahun 1910, kawasan Hutan Simpan Bukit Cherakah telah pun ditandakan, ketika itu meliputi sehingga ke tebing selatan Sungai Buloh di sebelah barat laut. (Central Survey Office, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States (F.M.S.)., 1910: {{ :arkibgambar:selangor_federated_malay_states_1910.pdf ||}}Selangor, Federated Malay States 1910 - [[|"TM000382_1"]]; [[|"TM000382_2"]]; [[|"TM000382_3"]]; [[|"TM000382_4"]]).
 Selain bersambung dengan Hutan Simpan Sungei Buloh di bahagian tenggara, beberapa bahagian kawasan hutan ini bersempadan dengan kawasan perladangan, seperti berikut:- Selain bersambung dengan Hutan Simpan Sungei Buloh di bahagian tenggara, beberapa bahagian kawasan hutan ini bersempadan dengan kawasan perladangan, seperti berikut:-
bukit_cherakah.1726595806.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/18 01:56 by sazli