Pada tahun 1905, beberapa orang peladang Eropah memperolehi tanah di sekitar Bukit Cherakah, dengan sokongan pentadbiran British. Antaranya ialah Bukit Cherakah Estate, dibuka oleh J.A. Hunter:-
“Fourteen miles from Kuala Selangor and 23 miles from Klang is situated the Bukit Cherakah estate, comprising 2,236 acres, the proprietors of which are the Scottish Malay Rubber Company, Ltd. Felling and clearing was commenced on the property towards the end of 1905, and within the next two years 1,267 acres were planted with Para rubber. The land is mostly undulating, and there are two kinds of soil - sandy loam and red loam. The trees have shown a better growth than the average, and the land is well drained. The labour staff consists of 350 Tamil coolies and 100 Banjorese. Felling, clearing, and draining are done by Banjorese, Javanese, and Malays. Mr. J. Hunter is the manager of the estate, and the directors of the company are Messrs. J. A. Hunter (Managing), of Meikle Kenny, Kerriemint, N.B.; Thomas Wedderspoon, Castleton, Meigle, Perthshire, N.B.; and R.C. Bowie, Carnoustie, Forfarshire, N.B. Before coming to the Federated Malay States Mr. Hunter had six years' experience of planting in Southern India and Ceylon, and prior to joining the Bukit Cherakah estate he was in charge of the Sungei Kapar and Jalan Acob estates. Mr. Hunter is also the manager for the Strathmore Rubber Company, Ltd., and of the Kongsi Rubber Company, Ltd.
Mr. R.M.G. Mitchell. - Born at Loth, in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, on September 15, 1879, Mr. R.M.G. Mitchell, the superintendent of Bukit Cherakah estate in Selangor, was educated in Edinburgh, and served for three years with a commercial house before coming out East in 1900 to learn planting. His first appointment was on the Wardieburn Estate, where he had three years' experience in coffee and rubber planting. Then he took charge of and opened up Harpenden estate. In November, 1906, Mr. Mitchell joined Bukit Cherakah estate as superintendent, and is now in charge of one of the divisions. He is a son of the late Mr. William Mitchell, sheep farmer, of Ribigill, Scotland.”
“Bukit Cherakah Estate, Klang. The bungalow and various stages of growth of young rubber.”
(Sumber: Arnold Wright, 1908: "Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources", m.s.430-431).
Pada 14 Februari 1906, terdapat cadangan naik taraf perparitan di sepanjang jalan berhampiran Bukit Cherakah Estate, agar dapat menampung kegiatan perladangan di sekitarnya:-
“District Office, Kuala Selangor, 14th February, 1906. 'Bukit Cheraka Road Drain.' Sir, I have the honour to inform you that Mr. Milne (Manager of the lands at Bukit Cheraka alienated to Messrs Hunter and Harvey) and Mr H.M. Darby who writes on behalf of Mr. Harrison, have written to me asking that the drain along the Bukit Cheraka and Bukit Panjang roads may be converted into an agricultural drain. 2. The Assistant Engineer reports 'After measuring existing drain I am of opinion that the new drain should have a sectional area of 18'+9'x5/2 x 6 for the upper reach from the Ulu to the Simpang Tiga a length of 108.7 lines; from the Simpang Tiga to Simpang Ampat a sectional area of 24+12/2 x 6 for a distance of 107 lines and from the Simpang Ampat to the sea a sectional area of 26'+12'/2 x 6 for a distance of 52 lines. This works out to some 12212 cubes of new earth work which at 60 cents per cube amounts to $7327-20, plus 10% equals, say, $8060-'. 3. The attached tracing shews that Messrs Hunter, Harrison and Parkinson are the landowners who will benefit chiefly by the proposed drain and I would suggest that the work be taken in hand provided these three gentlemen will accept a yearly assessment on their properties equal to, say, 10% on the total amount expended.” - District Officer, Kuala Selangor.
“S.R. The construction of this drain will do much to improve the road - at present unmetalled - which gives access to the two peaks at Bukit Cheraka. I recommend the work being done and the properties benefitted assessed accordingly.” - Secretary to the Resident, 8/3/06
Pada 15 April 1906, salah seorang pemilik ladang berhampiran yang mewakili para peladang di situ, menggesa agar perparitan tersebut dinaik taraf dengan segera, bagi mengelak limpahan air membanjiri ladang-ladang mereka: “Bukit Cheraka Estate, Jeram Klang F.M.S. 15th April 1906. The District Officer, Kuala Selangor. Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 23rd, ultimo and regret to note that Government does not realise the urgency of enlarging the Bukit Cheraka road drain. As pointed out in my previous letter this matter vitally affects some 5700 acres of land taken up for rubber cultivation, i.e. Bukit Cheraka, Bharu Selangor, Bukit Panjang and Sungei Sembilan Estates, the water from the entire Northern portion of which could be drawn off by the drain in question were the water level tower therein. At present the proprietors of these blocks are most anxious to extend operations without delay, but the success of these if very doubtful until adequate drainage is assured. The present condition of the drain is such that during heavy rain it overflows in places into the land in question. Its average width is about 10 feet and it requires enlarging to 18 feet for the first 3 miles from the sea and 12 feet for the remaining two, as well as regrading over the entire length. I trust the Resident will be good enough to reconsider his decision in the matter, and grant our request with as little delay as possible, as opening operations will be seriously hampered, if not rentered impossible until this drain is completed. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Obedient Servant, Sd: A.B. Milne.” (Arkib Negara 1957/0129058W, 25/04/1906: |"LETTER FROM MR. A.B. MILNE, URGING THE NECESSITY OF IMPROVING THE BUKIT CHERAKA DRAIN DURING THIS YEAR").
Pada April 1906, suatu tinjauan dijalankan terhadap proses pembukaan ladang Bukit Cherakah Estate oleh J.A. Hunter: “Back again from Batang Berjuntai the same afternoon to Jeram, brought me to my second chief objective. Here for four miles, on an undeveloped track along which no vehicle save a bicycle could be taken, we tramped until dark to the shelter occupied by the superintendent in charge of the Scottish Malay Co.'s property. The estate bungalow was to be ready in a few days but the pioneer had rented a hut of attaps, bark, and bamboo in a Malay kampong. … Remarkable progress has been made with the undulating portion of the Scottish Malay Co.'s land, and Messrs. J.A. Hunter, John Hunter and Harvey will be able to hand over nearly 400 hundreds of acres of cleared and planted land to the Company on the 1st June. The largest single block of land granted in one application in the Jeram division adjoins the Bukit Cheraka property. It is owned by a Ceylon syndicate. It, too, is fine land: and work upon it is to be commenced this month. Felling labour is plentiful in the locality, and between now and the end of the year, throughout the Mukim, many burnt offerings will darken the heavens at noon-day. And may the 'toll of the bush' exact no human sacrifice! … - F.C.R. in the Times of Ceylon.” (Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 18 April 1906, Page 3: |"Malaya and Rubber").
Sebagaimana dijadualkan, pada 1 Jun 1906 syarikat Scottish Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. mengambil alih Bukit Cherakah Estate. J.A. Hunter kekal sebagai pengurusnya: “The Directors of the Scottish Malay Rubber Co., Limited, which owns Bukit Cheraka estate in Jeram, Selangor, … have issued a circular to shareholders, in which they state that they have had the estate acquired from Mr. J.A. Hunter in terms of the prospectus inspected and reported on, as at the date of taking over the property, viz, 1st June, 1906, by Mr. H.C. Rendle, of the Bukit Rajah estate, F.M.S. … It is added that the Managing Director (Mr. Hunter) reports that he hopes to be able to develop and plant the property with rubber somewhat faster than is stated in the prospectus.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 August 1906, Page 5: |"THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS").
Seterusnya, J.A. Hunter mencadangkan agar persempadanan cadangan hutan simpan di sekitar Bukit Panjang dipinda agar lebih banyak kawasan tanah datar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perladangan. Ketika itu, bagi seluruh daerah Kuala Selangor, sejumlah lebih 36,000 ekar tanah telah diperolehi oleh para peladang Eropah. Mereka memohon jaringan komunikasi telefon serta perkhidmatan pejabat pos di Jeram: “On Monday, after recovering from the usual effects of a Sunday, the High Commissioner and his party started at eight o'clock in the morning, in two motors and under the supervision of the State Engineer, Mr. E.R. Stokoe, and bowled away through mines and jungle to the Rantau Panjang Forest Reserve, Sungei Rambai Estate, Kampong Kuantan, and Kuala Selangor, which was reached after rather a wet (towards the finish) but pleasant run at eleven twenty. At the Court House, the High Commissioner received a deputation of Planters while the ladies of the party discussed tea with Mrs. Townley. Mr. Irving was spokesman at first for the deputation, consisting of himself and Messrs. G.A. Anderson, A.C. Janssens, T. More, Ian Forbes, and J.A. and I. Hunter. ….. First, said Mr. Irving, they wanted motor and telephone services installed between Klang and Kuala Selangor, and a post office at Jeram, where were many planters and a growing Asiatic population. Thirty-six-thousands of acres in the district had lately been taken and thrown into cultivation by European planters so that services of the sort described were necessary. ….. Mr. Hunter suggested that the Forest Belt should be placed so as to act in respect to the hills terminating in Bukit Panjang and that the width of two miles would be too great. If these suggestions were followed much flat alluvial land would become available for agriculture.” (The Straits Times, 28 July 1906, Page 5: | "MORE OF HIGH COMMISSIONER'S TOUR").
“District Office, Kuala Selangor, 8.4.09. 'Drain on north side of Bukit Cheraka Road.' Sir, I have the honour to forward herewith a copy of a letter sent to me by Mr J.A. Hunter asking that a drain might be cut on the north side of the Bukit Cheraka Road. 2. At present the Estates on the south side of the road are only paying assessment and maintenance on the newly cut part of the Bukit Cheraka Road drain between the points marked with blue crosses on the attached tracing and if no alteration had been made in the other drains the planters would have no cause of complaint, but a drain has now been cut on the north side of the Bukit Cheraka road from Simpang Tiga to the end of the Bukit Cheraka road and all the water from that side now runs into the drain on the south side at the Simpang Tiga. 3. The cross drain from Bukit Cheraka road to Jalan Rajah Dolah is of little or no use at present owing to the shallowness of the existing road drain on north side of the Bukit Cheraka road. 4. I would beg to recommend that the drain on the north side be widened and deepened and that all connection between this and the drain on the other side the road cease until the Simpang Ampat is reached; such a drain would be of great assistance in draining the land lying between the Bukit Cheraka road and the Jalan Raja Dolah the owners of which are always complaining of their land being flooded for long periods in wet weather. 5. If the State Engineer considers that the estates paying assessment on the drain on the south side will receive more benefit from the drain asked for than the relief they are justly entitled to through fresh country being drained into the south side drain, then assessment should be asked for on cost of construction, but maintenance should be left to the persons interested. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Obedient Servant, ?, District Officer, Kuala Selangor.” (Arkib Negara 1957/0147544W, 30/03/1909: "RECOMMENDS THAT THE DRAIN ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUKIT CHERAKA ROAD BE WIDENED AND DEEPENED").
Sekitar Disember 1912, sekawan gajah telah menceroboh beberapa ladang, termasuk Braunston, Bukit Janda, dan Bukit Cherakah Estate. Setelah aduan dibuat, perbincangan dibuat di antara beberapa pihak termasuk di antara beberapa pihak termasuk pihak Residen, Conservator of Forests, Kuala Selangor District Planters Association, serta Pegawai Daerah Kuala Selangor. Keputusan yang diambil ialah mengupah seorang pemburu berpengalaman. Mr. William Hay, bagi menjalankan buruan terhadap gajah-gajah tersebut. Kadar upahnya ialah $300 bagi setiap ekor gajah yang berjaya dibunuh. Separuh daripada bayaran upah ini dibayar oleh pihak peladang. Pada akhirnya beliau berjaya membunuh 10 ekor gajah:-
“From whom: Cumberbatch & Co. K. Lumpur. 18.12.12. Damage done by a herd of elephants on Braunston, Bukit Janda, Bukit Cheraka Estates etc. (2) Lr. to Messrs. Cumberbatch & Co. posted 20.12.12.” ….. “() Lr. to C.F. and D of ?: dispd. 27.12.12: Resident, In the absence of trained elephants & shikaris kraaking would be a very expensive matter. (I believe the herd is not a large one, since it visits the locality annually.) Any remarks D.O.?” ? 27.12“ ….. ”(7) Lr. from Hon. Secy. K.S. D.P.A. encd.: (6) from the Director of Museums. 2. The planters concerned might be allowed to organise a drive & shoot the elephants ? regard to the Protection Enactment? 3. No reply has come in yet from the C. of F., but I have discussed the matter with him, & apart from the very heavy cost of kraaking he ? ? hopeful as to the result. 4. An interview with the planters, as suggested in (7), would not help much, I think. 5. Some ? are attached. - ?, 31.12“
“Reply that I am alive to the damage being done & am now concerting measures to deal with the nuisance. That under the ?. I will not put the managers of the estates to the trouble of forming a deportation but will be happy to confer with them when I next visit K. Selangor which I hope to do shortly. Then return to me. -?, 7.1”
”(8) L. to Hon. Secy. K. Sel. Dist. Plant. Assn. posted 18.1.13: I am averse to the wholesale destruction advocated by the D. of ? & the planters apparently are not enterprising enough to try & shoot them for themselves. If they were to shoot one or two probably the whole herd would go away. I am for the D.O. organize a drive. There must be some Malays, or perhaps Sakai, who would undertake it. They could be supplied with sufficient ? & ? to make it ? for the elephants if they got on the properties they could hunt the herd into the Rantau Panjang Forest Reserve thence across the Selangor River into the forest between the Selangor & Bernam Rivers. If well frightened the elephants would most likely not return for years. I presume the estates concerned would be willing to contribute the expenses. - ?, 13.1“ ….. “S.R. I have interviewed some of the planters, & have called for statistics of damage done. The C. of F. appears to be misinformed. Ten elephants were seen 2 days ago by W.A.B. Slee, Manager of Camanon(?) Estate. Seventeen have been seen at one time. 2. The C. of F.'s para.3 seems a misleading analogy. The Forest Reserve is only a strip 2 miles wide, & this herd having made its home there will continually emerge, unless driven clean away. The herd is particularly fearless, & drove away some Bramston Estate coolies, who were engaged in lighting bonfires on the boundary. 3. I have communicated with Mr. Glendining(?). The following gentlemen would also like to obtain free passes from the Resident, viz. Mr. A.B. Slee - Comawon - 500 Express(?); Mr. J.S. Robson - Comawon - Mamlicker(?); Mr. C.W. Bradburne - Selangor River - Mauser Rifle; Mr. F.G. Souter - Bukit Rotan - 401 Winchester; Mr. J.M. Ferguson - Sungei Buloh - 303 Lee Metford(?); Mr. H.G.L. Richardo - Sungei Buloh; Mr. G.H.J. Justice - Sungei Buloh; Mr. H.C. Mustard - Bramston Estate; Mr. J. Hunter - Bukit Cheraka. Mr. H.C. Mustard who has had previous experience of elephants, is of opinion that there is no alternative to kraaling except extermination. Other planters, too, seem of the opinion that an organised drive would be now dangerous than any other method, though they wish to try their luck simply. Is Mr. T.R. Hubback still in the F.M.S.? - ?, 22.1.13.” ….. “This question was brought up again the other day & the damage done was put at over $110,000 of which nearly half was on one estate. The combined ? & elephant ? which is proposed on another paper will benefit one estate only. The planters seem ? attack the elephant themselves & the only plan seems to be to offer a reward for their destruction. ? the ? what reward he would advise per elephant. The estate has already offered $100 without succes & I propose to ? the planters interested to ? half the reward. -? 17.4.” ….. “S.R. Selangor. I think nothing less than $300 per head wd. prove an inducement. I would suggest that Mr/ W. Hay (he now lives at Tanjong Malim ?) be asked if he could organize a party to destroy the herd. - 2.5.13” ….. “S.R. Mr Hay is living in K.Kubu. -?, 6.5”
“Ask the D.O. if the planters are willing to pay half of a reward of $300 per head for the destruction of these elephants. 2. Write to Mr Hay & ask if he is willing to organize a party to try & destroy these elephants. - ? 9.5.” ….. ”(11) Lr. to D.O. K.S. posted 14/5: Kiv(?) replies on 22/5: Resident, I have seen Mr. Hay, who has just returned from K. Selangor after shooting a tusker. 2. He thinks there are two more hills(?), & possibly about 30 elephants in all. 3. He will reply in writing to my letter. -?, 14.5.“
”(12) Lr from Mr. Willam Hay dt 15.5.14 encd. - Resident. From W. Hay. In reply to my ? as to the terms on which he would take the matter up. 2. $300 per head would no doubt pay him better than a lump sum for loss of time & ret. of pocket expenses. 3. The planters have not yet replied to letter. - ?, 15.5“
“We had better close with Mr. Hay's offer. If he comes in to office I should like to see him. - ?, 15.5” ….. “Resident, (15) has been approved by the C.F. 2. I am now waiting for a reply from the D.O. as to the planters' contribution.” -?, 23.5 ….. “Copy of (18) to D.O. K.S. & add that half the reward will be paid by the planters as stated in his telegram of 24.5. -?, 27.5” ….. ”(21) Lr. from D.O. K.S. dated 9.6. enclosed. … S.R., Noted, Mr. Hay has been paid $1500, which I have debited to advance ?. pending issued warrant. Please recover 50% from the planters & ask for a warrant for the balance, to enable me to adjust my ?. -?, 10.6.13“
“Resident, ? Sec.: W. Hay has shot 5 elephants & has now returned to K. Sel. -?, 11.6.” ….. ”… 2. The cost of a keddah might easily run to $7000 or more. 3. Further news may be expected from Mr. Hay shortly. -?, 17.6“
“We can wait till Xmas if necessary & hope to hear from Mr. Hay shortly. 2. Perhaps it would be a good thing for Syed Wahab(?) to come & have a look at the ? first. ”
”(26) Lr. to D.O. K.S. dispd. 3.7: Ask the D.O. to report ? ? the destruction of those 10 elephants has effected the desired result, or whether any further action is recommended. -?, 4.7“ ….. ”(30) Lr. from D.O. K.S. 10.7.13 encd.: Resident, Please see (28). 2. W. Hay has now shot ? 10 animals agreed on. -? 13.7“
Operasi ini turut dilaporkan di akhbar:-
“Destruction of Elephants. M.D.C. Mr. William Hay, the well known shikari, has recently been awarded a handsome sum of money by the Selangor Government for having saved many estates in Kuala Selangor District from the ravages caused by some elephants. Considerable damage was done to many rubber estates by the animals, rubber trees of different sizes having been uprooted and the roots eaten up. Free licenses have been issued to many planters, whose efforts were fruitless until Mr. William Hay was invited by the Government to save the situation. The Kuala Selangor Planters' Association have consented to share the expense and Mr. William Hay will, therefore, continue to work until a few more are destroyed. The Government had no intention to kill the animals. But owing to the absence of experienced men and tame elephants the proposal to capture the animals alive had to be abandoned.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 June 1913, Page 2: |"Destruction of Elephants").
“Mr. William Hay of Kuala Kubu, the well known sportsman, has again been awarded a large sum of money by the Selangor Government. As reported three weeks ago, Mr. Hay saved many rubber estates in the Kuala Selangor District from the ravages caused by a herd of elephants. He has destroyed altogether 10 full-grown elephants.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 July 1913, Page 6: |"PORT DEFECTS").
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